____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE The Ada Public Works Authority / City of Ada, Oklahoma is soliciting requests for proposals per the following: Request for Proposals Item: Employee Benefits Consultant/Broker that have the internal capabilities to provide the following services: Underwriting and actuarial services Legislative and Corporate Compliance support Health management and wellness services Market benchmarking studies Communications Employee Education Programs Renewal Analysis and annual financial reporting Data Analytics Life Insurance Services Submittal Date: January 20, 2016, 4:00 pm CDST Mail to: City of Ada, Purchasing Dept., 512 N Stockton St, Ada, OK 74820 Any individual or vendor that can comply with certain conditions and specifications may submit RFPs. RFP Documents can be obtained from Pam McKinzie, Purchasing Office at 580/436-8041or at www.adaok.com. Pam Gibbs McKinzie Purchasing Director 512 N Stockton St. Ada, Oklahoma 74820 580-436-8041 Fax 580-436-8044 CITY OF ADA A Municipal Corporation