December 14, 2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Centerville Community School District was held December 14, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. in the board room of the Administration Office, 634 North Main, Centerville. Call to order and roll call President Marty Braster called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Roll call to determine quorum was taken as follows: Present: Travis Yeomans, Marty Braster, Larry Heffron, Brooke Johnson (left meeting at 7:46 and returned 7:50 P.M.), Angela Ocker, and Joe Sharp (left meeting at 9:46 and returned 9:50 P.M.). Absent: Steve Hoch (entered meeting at 6:40 P.M and left meeting at 10:45 P.M.) Also present were Superintendent Tony Ryan and Board Secretary Linda Henderson. Welcome Visitors Mr. Braster welcomed visitors and stated if visitors wish to address the board on a topic of the agenda, to please speak up when that topic is addressed. Approve Agenda It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the agenda as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings It was moved by Travis Yeomans and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve November 9 minutes as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Steve Hoch entered meeting at 6:40 P.M. Old Business Discuss Updates on Exterior Construction Summer Project Tim Kaster stated the 2015 exterior construction summer projects are complete except for ten items to finalize. With the recent heavy rainfall, custodians have one minor leak from new roof at High School. Frank Millard Roofing Co. personnel will be here Tuesday to repair. Groundwater is coming up at Lakeview locker room through cracks in the flooring. New Business Approve Personnel Business Procedures 1. Resignations It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Joe Sharp to accept Chuck Evans resignation as Varsity Football Coach, Winter and Summer Weight Room Coordinator and FCA Leader effective November 17, 2015. Also directing the administration to put on hold finding a replacement until the position can be re-evaluated or re-defined and an exit interview completed. Motion carried with Steve Hoch and Angela Ocker voting nay. It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Brooke Johnson to approve the resignation from Kathy Cleghorn from Central Special Education Aide Specific effective January 8, 2016. Also to extend an exit interview to Kathy Cleghorn. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Transfers It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the transfer of Roxanne Herber from Lakeview Special Education Aide Specific to Admin. Bldg. Payroll Clerk/Secretary, Level II, step 6, $10.40 per hour, 8 hours per day, effective February 1, 2016, replacing Phoebe OConnor. Motion carried unanimously. Page 2 December 18, 2015 3. Employment/Contracts It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve: Becky Bills contract correction from 132 days to 133 days effective November 10, 2015 to June 1, 2016; Cafeteria Manager, Level III, step 6, $10.95 per hour+$.25 incentive=$11.20 per hour; 8 hours per day; Brittany Exline Preschool Special Education Aide Specific, adjustment from 5 hours to 7 hours per day, M-T-TH-F, effective December 15; Kele Cossol Lakeview Special Education Aide Specific, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 4 hours per day, effective December 15, 2015, new position; Jennifer Ruckman Lakeview Special Education Aide Specific, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 7.5 hours per day, effective January 5, 2016, new position Nick Howe H.S. Special Education Aide Specific, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 7.25 hours per day, effective December 15, replacing Brandy Bauer; and Shirley Bentley Preschool Special Education Aide Specific contract adjustment from 4 hours per day-2 days per week to 7 hours per day-4 days per week M-T-TH-F, Level II, step 1, $8.45 per hour, effective December 15. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Volunteer Agreements It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Angela Ocker to approve the volunteer agreements for: Cheryl Johnson K-2 Volunteer Paul Pettibone K-2 Watchdog Bev Jewett H.S. Drill Team Rachelle Nielsen H.S. Driver Motion carried unanimously. Approve Payment for Summer Facility Construction Project, Change Orders and Certificates of Completion It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Larry Heffron to approve payment for summer facility construction project: Frank Millard & Co., Inc. Application #4 Roofing $53,102.15; including change orders and certificates of completion. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Teacher Leadership Compensation Program Dianne Fatka, Roger Raum, and Rhonda Raskie discussed the Teacher Leadership Compensation progress as completed by the TLC committee on December 8. Brooke Johnson left meeting at 7:46 P.M. and returned 7:50 P.M. Approve Differentiated Accountability Action Plan It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the Differentiated Accountability Action Plan as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Technology Budget Plan The board reviewed the Technology plan and suggested to bring back to the board in January with adding two columns: budget and time date of needs. Approve MPA Service Agreement 90 Day Extension It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the MPA Computers LLC agreement for a 90 day extension to complete work by February 12, 2016 at a minimum of 300 hours @ $75/hour rate. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Early Retirement Plan It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Travis Yeomans to table early retirement plan for the next school year. Motion carried unanimously. Page 3 December 18, 2015 Discuss Junior High Activities Director Position The board reviewed area schools who may currently employ 7-12 Activities Director, Athletic Director, and combining with Assistant Principal position. It was decided to add this topic to the January board meeting. Discuss Support Staff Salary Committee Progress Angela Ocker and Steve Hoch reviewed the progress from the support staff salary committee: possibly restructuring salary schedule; handbook placement criteria when hired; and job classifications/descriptions. Mr. Hoch mentioned when reviewing the salary schedule structure, the cost limitations to increase it is too much. Joe Sharp left meeting at 9:46 and returned at 9:50 P.M. Approve the Acknowledgement and Agreement to Consent to the lien and Collateral Assignment as per the November 5, 2015 letter from Mike Craver on behalf of the Appanoose Economic Development Corporation It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve Acknowledgement and Agreement to Consent to the lien and Collateral Assignment as per the November 5, 2015 letter from Mike Craver on behalf of the Appanoose Economic Development Corporation. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the assignment of NaTel Investment LCs 2001 agreement with the Centerville CSD to EastLight LC. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss and Approve First Reading of Policy Series 300 & 800 for Review Cycle Mr. Braster handed out suggested edits to policies 302.1 Administration and School Board, 304.6 Administrator Evaluation, and 311 Authority and Communication Channels besides what was included in the board packet. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Angela Ocker to table series 300 and place on the agenda for the January board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the first reading of series 800 as stated: Adding New Code No. in 800 Series Asbestos Containing Material from IASB model policy; 802.7 Vandalism delete 1st paragraph and adding wording from IASB model policy. 804.4 First Aid and Public Access Defibrillation program 2nd paragraph: delete and the after High School; adding: Central Ward, Garfield, Lincoln, Paul Johnson Field, and Administration buildings. 804.4R1 First Aid and Public Access Defibrillation Program #1 adding: Central Preschool, Lincoln elementary, Garfield Elementary, Administration Building, Paul Johnson Field; plus adding location in each building; delete Dr. David Fraser, Medical Director. Motion carried unanimously. Approve SIAC Membership List It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Angela Ocker to approve the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) for the 2015-16 school year. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Midyear Graduates It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Larry Heffron to approve the mid-year graduates pending all graduation requirements have been met. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Long Term Facility Planning Mr. Ryan and board reviewed the discussions from StruXture meeting with community/staff on long term facility planning. The next meeting is December 22. Approve Committee to Research Staff and Public Input Methods for Board Decision Making Mr. Braster stated a committee to research staff and public input methods for board decision making was needed. It was noted a Superintendents Advisory Committee will be meeting on Thursday to address any staff concerns. Brooke Johnson asked if the progress could be reviewed at the next board meeting. Steve Hoch left meeting at 10:45 P.M. Approve Purchase of School Bus Two quotes to purchase a 77-passenger school bus were reviewed: School Bus Sales Bluebird bus $86,358.00 and $96,158.00 with air conditioning Thomas Bus Sales Thomas built bus $102,362.60 with air conditioning It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the purchase a 77-passenger school bus with air conditioning from School Bus Sales at a cost of $96,158.00. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Substitute Payment Procedures The board discussed the methods of how the school district determines substitute pay for hourly workers. The verbiage in support handbook is used for support staff subbing as outlined in paragraphs #18, 19, and 20. Past practice has been due to availability of substitute support staff, principals may contact a substitute teacher to sub in a support staff position and initial payment on the Absence Sheet as sub teacher daily pay. A list of substitute teachers and support staff is completed by the central office and sent to principals and secretaries. Principals indicated there is a shortage of substitutes. Discuss Legislator Dinner Meeting The board reviewed the legislator dinner meeting held December 2 at Lakeview Cafeteria. Approve Substitute Handbook Updates It was moved by Brooke Johnson and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the Substitute Handbook updates as indicated. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of Sports Officials Contracts It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the sports officials contracts as stated with $50 mileage added to Chad Shellmyers officiating on November 23, 2015 JV G Basketball vs Oskaloosa. Motion carried unanimously. Reports Mr. Ryan updated the board on: 1) Release of latest School Report Card; 2) No Child Left Behind; and 3) SIAC Committee. Mr. Braster handed out a form on suggested superintendent evaluation timelines to start the process in January. Presentation of Invoices and Approval of Payment It was moved by Larry Heffron and seconded by Travis Yeomans to approve the invoices and salary per diem as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourn It was moved by Angela Ocker and seconded by Brooke Johnson to adjourn at 11:23 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. GENERAL FUND A TECH, INC SERVICE 90.00 AD-EXPRESS/IOWEGIAN ADVERTISING 411.77 ALLIANT ENERGY SERVICE 28,879.07 AMAZON.COM SUPPLIES 433.97 APP. CO. DAY CARE TUTION 6,080.00 ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICE 219.00 ATOMIC TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL SERVICE 150.00 Brown, Marchelle MILEAGE 22.40 BROWN, NATALIE MILEAGE 21.24 CAMPBELL, ROD REIMBURSE 28.00 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO. SUPPLIES 1,234.99 CARQUEST OF CENTERVILLE SUPPLIES 1,150.52 CARSON, SONJA MILEAGE 16.64 CAYLOR, KYM MILEAGE 14.40 CDW-G LAPTOPS 14,884.84 CENTERVILLE IRON & METAL SUPPLIES 3,456.34 CENTERVILLE MUN WATERWORKS WATER 2,236.67 CITY OF CENTERVILLE SERVICE 6,475.91 CORNERHART ELECTRIC L.L.C SERVICE 1,258.89 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING SUPPLIES 36.75 DEININGER, HARRY MILEAGE 13.68 DES MOINES REGISTER NEWSPAPER 244.82 DIDAX EDUCATION SUPPLIES 784.72 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 1,332.43 ENGEL LAW OFFICE SERVICE 1,282.50 EWING, DIANA MILEAGE 15.08 EXLINE SIGNAL, LLC. SERVICE 300.00 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 429.80 FATKA, DIANNE MILEAGE 108.85 FLINN SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES 357.91 FOGLE TRUE VALUE SUPPLIES 968.04 FRANK MILLARD & CO. INC. SERVICE 169.62 GLENWOOD COMM SCHOOL DISTRICT TUITION 6,900.00 GRAYBAR CABLES 2,509.14 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA SUPPLIES 325.03 HAMILTON PIANO WORKS- DUSTIN SERVICE 525.00 HAMILTON HARTFORD, THE INSURANCE 1,457.89 HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 422.00 HEFFRON, CAROL REIMBURSE 45.25 HILL'S SANITARY SERVICE SERVICE 2,348.50 HOGLUND BUS & TRUCK CO. SERVICE 372.73 HY-VEE FOOD STORE SUPPLIES 164.87 IA ASSN OF SCHOOL BOARDS FEES 260.00 IA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SERVICE 953.84 IA PRISON INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES 1,126.60 IA PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ASSN. FEES 275.00 IA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SERVICE 175.00 INDIAN HILLS COMM. COLLEGE FEE 34,773.80 KEILIG, RICHARD MILEAGE 51.20 KINCAID, NANCY REIMBURSE 44.89 KOHL WHOLESALE Snacks 506.33 KONE, INC. SERVICE 1,248.53 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS CREDIT 999.01 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 562.84 LOKTRONICS SECURITY CORP SUPPLIES 49.20 MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY POP 97.60 MANHATTAN FAMILY STEAKHOUSE SERVICE 1,477.00 MC CARTHY TIRE SERVICE SERVICE 623.26 MCGRAW HILL EDUCATION HOLDINGS, WORKBOOKS 20,844.30 LLC MFA FUEL 9,161.79 MOORE, JEFF MILEAGE 19.76 MOULTON-UDELL COMM. SCHOOL DIS TUITION 19,098.00 NATEL TELEPHONE SERVICE 1 ,172.80 NATURAL LEARNING CONCEPTS SUPPLIES 151.63 NEW FOCUS, INC. SERVICE 4,374.40 NORTH SIDE INSURANCE, INC. SERVICE 4,453.00 O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL SUPPLIES 321.98 ONE SOURCE INC SERVICE 1,203.00 ORKIN, INC SERVICE 218.10 PHILLIPS, NANCY MILEAGE 19.04 PLIC-SBD GRAND ISLAND INSURANCE 4,646.69 QUILL CORP. SUPPLIES 797.19 RAINBO OIL COMPANY SERVICE 489.88 REALLY GREAT READING SUPPLIES 3,201.56 RENAISSANCE LEARNING, INC. Classroom learning 70.00 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO. SUPPLIES 502.32 SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLIES 91.77 SCOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 185.00 SEBRING, MARY MILEAGE 167.94 SINCLAIR TRACTOR SUPPLIES 103.98 SINK PAPER & PACKAGING SUPPLIES 1,437.57 SMITH WELDING SUPPLY, S. J. SUPPLIES 1,019.65 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH RENT 250.00 STATE OF IOWA-ELEVATOR SAFETY SERVICE 175.00 TIERNEY BROTHERS, INC SUPPLIES 263.00 TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SERVICE 948.75 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY SERVICE 774.80 U.S. CELLULAR SERVICE 54.72 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE POSTAGE 1,000.00 VINTAGE TECH LLC SERVICE 250.00 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD-IOWA INSURANCE 122,922.68 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 1,621.23 XEROX CORPORATION SERVICE 2,150.31 Checking Account Total: 335,565.20 CAFETERIA FUND ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO. SUPPLIES 6,501.38 EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO., INC SUPPLIES 669.54 EMS DETERGENT SERVICES SUPPLIES 381.05 HARTFORD, THE INSURANCE 13.14 HUTTON, HOLLY REIMBURSE 53.74 KECK, INC. SUPPLIES 5,741.86 2015 BOARD MEETING KOHL WHOLESALE CREDIT 7,571.98 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 7,539.12 NATEL TELEPHONE SERVICE 10.20 PLIC-SBD GRAND ISLAND INSURANCE 35.66 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD-IOWA INSURANCE 2,875.70 Checking Account Total: 31,393.37 ACTIVITY FUND A TEAM APPAREL SUPPLIES 345.40 AMATEUR TRAPSHOOTING ASSOCIATION FEE 20.00 BARBER, MATILDA SERVICE 67.50 BISHOP, LARRY OFFICIAL 105.00 CARNEY, MIKE MILEAGE 107.00 CASEY'S GENERAL STORES, INC SUPPLIES 561.89 CCSD-CAFETERIA SUPPLES 45.00 CCSD-GENERAL FUND REIMBURSE 861.23 CHS CLASS 2020 PARENTS: STACEY SERVICE 1,400.00 COCHRAN COMBS, VIC OFFICIAL 65.00 CORNERHART ELECTRIC L.L.C SERVICE 279.04 DANNCO SUPPLIES 1,545.00 DES MOINES REGISTER NEWSPAPER 27.20 DREES, ALLAN OFFICIAL 110.00 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES ROOMS 1,616.95 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 220.50 FOGLE TRUE VALUE SUPPLIES 31.96 GATEWAY HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER SERVICE 649.60 GEORGE & NICK'S PIZZA & STEAK HOUSE PIZZA 144.00 GILL, MICKEY OFFICIAL 47.50 HALVERSON, MARK OFFICIAL 100.00 HAMMELL, DENNIS OFFICIAL 120.00 HODGES, RYAN REIMBURSE 60.00 HY-VEE FOOD STORE CREDIT 1,544.14 IA BASKETBALL COACHES ASSN FEES 130.00 IA H.S. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION SUPPLIES 60.00 JOHNSON, MATT REIMBURSE 60.00 KIRKPATRICK, DEAN OFFICIAL 110.00 LEE'S SUMMIT HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 250.00 LIPPER, KIM OFFICIAL 105.00 MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY SUPPLIES 2,115.68 MYERS CUSTOMS TINTING & GRAPHICS SERVICE 2,250.00 NAT'L FFA ORGANIZATION SUPPLIES 236.24 NEW LONDON HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 75.00 NIELSON'S HONEY FARM SUPPLIES 595.00 OCKER, RUSS OFFICIAL 225.00 OSBORNE, JEFF OFFICIAL 160.00 PEDERSON, KEVIN OFFICIAL 175.00 POWER GRAPHICS T-SHIRTS 2,279.85 POWER LIFT SUPPLIES 65.00 PRINT SHOP SUPPLES 57.60 REMEMBER ME YEA BOOKS 1,473.67 RUPALO, KARLA REIMBURSEMENT 7.00 SHELLMYER, CHAD OFFICIAL 155.00 SPURGEON, BRAD OFFICIAL 230.00 WARREN, KELLI REIMBURSE 71.94 Checking Account Total: 20,960.89 SCHOOLHOUSE CDW-G SOFTWARE 55,732.50 CICCO CONSTRUCTION L.L.C. SERVICE 9,100.07 FRANK MILLARD & CO. INC. SERVICE 53,102.15 STRUXTURE ARCHITECTS SERVICE 4,966.23 WINGER SERVICE SERVICE 18,243.09 Checking Account Total: 141,144.04 Runs 1x December 29th, 2015