Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published in The Norman Transcript December 31, 2015, January 7, 2016, 2t) December 10, 2015 Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, all bids must be submitted over the Internet via Bid Express. When written bids are allowed, sealed proposals sent by registered mail will be received through the ODOT Office Engineer Division until 30 minutes prior to the scheduled bid opening. From 30 minutes prior to the bid opening until the time of the bid opening, bid proposals must be turned in directly to the ODOT Commission Room located on the east side of the lobby. The scheduled bid opening is 10:30 A.M., January 21, 2016 for the work listed below. No Proposal for construction or maintenance work of the department will be issued to any contractor after 10:30 A.M. on the working day preceding opening of bids for any contract. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check or Bid Bond equal to 5% of the bid made payable to the State of Oklahoma, Department of Transportation, as a proposal guaranty. Proposal checks will be held or returned by the Department as per Section 103.04 of the State Standard Specifications. The minimum wage to be paid laborers and mechanics employed on this project shall be included in the proposal. Bids must be prepared as directed by the State Standard Specifications. Plans, proposals, and specifications may be examined in the plan room or in the Office Engineer Division at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation central office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This work will be done under the Oklahoma Department of Transportation applicable specifications for highway construction as depicted on the lower left corner of the plan’s title sheet. Plans and proposal forms may be ordered from the Office Engineer Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Cost of Bidding Documents is $50.00 + tax for each Bidding Proposal. State Standard Specifications may be purchased for $55.00 + tax. (Oklahoma tax is 8.375%). Plans (Reduced Size Complete) $124.63 X-SEC $11.92 + postage/handling. Make checks payable to Oklahoma Department of Transportation. No refunds will be made for bidding documents or Specification books purchased. Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, upon award of the contract to the successful bidder, the contract will be completely and correctly executed by the contractor and returned to the Department within ten (10) working days from the date of award. The Department will have fourteen (14) working days from the date of award to complete it’s execution of the contract. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) ensures that no person or groups of persons shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability/handicap, or in income status, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs, services, or activities administered by ODOT, it’s recipients, sub-recipients, and contractors Description of work and location of project: Job Piece No. ACSTP-214C(044)SS US-77 CLEVELAND 2099718 BRIDGE AND APPROACHES US-77: OVER CHOTEAU CREEK, 2.9 MILES NORTH OF THE SH-39 JUNCTION NEAR LEXINGTON. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Mike Patterson, Director.

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