IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT OF CLINTON COUNTY EQUITY NO: EQCV042457 ORIGINAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc Plaintiff, vs. Parties in Possession; Unknown heirs, devisees, creditors, or other claimants of the property of Alvin J. Kohl, deceased; Unknown spouse, if any, of Alvin J. Kohl; Jeffrey Kohl; Andrea Kohl; Tim Kohl; Kellie Kohl; Scott Kohl; Unknown spouse, if any, of Scott Kohl; United States of America, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; United States of America, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; City of Clinton, Iowa, et al. Defendants. You are notified that a petition has been filed in the office of this court naming you as a defendant in this action. The petition was filed on November 17, 2015, and prays for foreclosure of Plaintiffs mortgage in favor of the Plaintiff on the property described in this notice and judgment for the unpaid principal amount of $58,834.80, with 5.06% per annum interest thereon from August 31, 2012, together with late charges, advances and the costs of the action including (but not limited to) title costs and reasonable attorneys fees, as well as a request that said sums be declared a lien upon the following described premises from August 31, 2012, located in Clinton county, Iowa: THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF IOWA, COUNTY OF CLINTON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL ONE LOT TWELVE (12) IN BLOCK ELEVEN (11) IN NORTH ADDITION TO THE TOWN, NOW CITY OF CLINTON, IOWA. PARCEL TWO LOT ELEVEN (11) IN BLOCK ELEVEN (11) IN THE NORTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF CLINTON, IOWA, commonly known as 233 4th Avenue North, Clinton, IA 52732 (the Property) The petition further prays that the mortgage on the above described real estate be foreclosed, that a special execution issue for the sale of as much of the mortgaged premises as is necessary to satisfy the judgment and for other relief as the Court deems just and equitable. For further details, please review the petition on file in the clerk's office. The Plaintiffs attorney is Emily Bartekoske, of SouthLaw, P.C.; whose address is 1245 Jordan Creek Parkway, Suite 120, West Des Moines, IA 50266. NOTICE THE PLAINTIFF HAS ELECTED FORECLOSURE WITHOUT REDEMPTION. THIS MEANS THAT THE SALE OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY WILL OCCUR PROMPTLY AFTER ENTRY OF JUDGMENT UNLESS YOU FILE WITH THE COURT A WRITTEN DEMAND TO DELAY THE SALE. IF YOU FILE A WRITTEN DEMAND, THE SALE WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL TWELVE MONTHS (OR SIX MONTHS IF THE PETITION INCLUDES A WAIVER OF DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT) FROM THE ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS YOUR RESIDENCE AND IS A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING OR UNTIL TWO MONTHS FROM ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS NOT YOUR RESIDENCE OR IS YOUR RESIDENCE BUT NOT A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING. YOU WILL HAVE NO RIGHT OF REDEMPTION AFTER THE SALE. THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE WILL BE ENTITLED TO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY. YOU MAY PURCHASE AT THE SALE. You must serve a motion or answer on or before 19th day of January, 2016, and within a reasonable time thereafter file your motion or answer with the Clerk of Court for Clinton County, at the county courthouse in Clinton, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in a court action because of a disability, immediately call your District ADA Coordinator at 563-326-8783. If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942. By: CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Clinton County Courthouse 612 N. 2nd Street, P.O. Box 2957 Clinton, IA 52733-2957 IMPORTANT: YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. Dates of second and third publication: December 22 & 29, 2015. Published: December 16, 22 & 29, 2015 --- THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CLINTON COUNTY Probate No. ESPRO18421 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARDONNA J. RICHEAL, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of MARDONNA J. RICHEAL, Deceased, who died on or about April 29, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of December, 2015, the last will and testament of MARDONNA J. RICHEAL, deceased, bearing date of the 20th day of March, 2000, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that KEVIN W. RICHEAL and KATHRYN A. MACK were appointed co-executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 8th day of December, 2015 KEVIN W. RICHEAL Co-executor of Estate 610 North 4th Street LeClaire, Iowa 52753 KATHRYN A. MACK Co-executor of Estate 530 - 6th Avenue Court P.O. Box 513 Hampton, Illinois 61256 Thomas E. Shie ICIS PIN No: AT0007167 Attorney for Executor Shie Law Office, P.C. 601 Brady Street, Suite 220 Davenport, Iowa 52803 Date of second publication: 23 day of December, 2015 Published: Dec. 16 & 23, 2015. --- NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION TO: Albert Stecher and Mary R. Stecher, Clarence W. Mumm and Pearl Mumm, Thomas A. Dowson and Edith A. Dowson, Everett M. Dillon and Margery Z. Dillon, Jesse R. Hill and Lillian A. Jill, Jens L. Rugaard and Marvel M. Rugaard, Elmer B. Soat and Viola M. Soat, Price D. Brooks and Esther R. Brooks, Robert L. Goeken and Charles A. Goeken, Victor H. Barklow land Doris Barklow, Herman G. Klein and Irene M. Klein, Donald H. Taylor and Charlotte M. Taylor, Dale E. Lenz and Helen L. Lenz, and Clarence Borgman and Minnie Borgman (land owners), State of Iowa, City of Camanche, and any unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, successors in interest, unknown parties in possession, unknown spouses and claimants. YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby notified that at the regular tax sale held on the 21st day of October, 2013, at the Clinton County Courthouse in the City of Clinton, Iowa, held for purpose of selling certain real estate upon which taxes were delinquent, the following real estate, situated in Clinton County, Iowa, to-wit: Lot 11 in Block 2; Lots 10, 16, 20 and 21 in Block 3; Lots 3, 7, 9, 16, 25, 31 and 33 in Block 4; and Lots 4 and 7 in Block 8 in Park Manor, a subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 81 North, Range 6 East of the 5th P.M., Clinton County, Iowa, as the same is platted and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Clinton County, Iowa. was sold to Orren Thompson as provided by the Code of Iowa for delinquent taxes for prior years and that the County Treasurer of Clinton County, Iowa, did thereupon issue to Orren Thompson a Certificate of Purchase at Tax Sale, P.B.S. Certificate Nos. 13-0441, 13-0448, 13-0449, 13-0451, 13-0450, 13-0454, 13-0455, 13-0456, 13-0458, 13-0460, 13-0461, 13-0462, 13-0464 and 13-0456, for Parcel Nos. 10-1177-0000, 10-1194-0000, 10-1200-0000, 10-12304-0000, 10-1205-0000, 10-1215-0000, 10-1219-0000, 10-1221-1000, 10-1228-0000, 10-1237-0000, 10-1243-0000, 10-1245-0000, 10-1357-0000 and 10-1360-0000. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that unless redemption is made by you within ninety (90) days after completion of service of this Notice that your right of redemption will expire and a Tax Deed will be issued to Orren Thompson by the Treasurer of Clinton County, Iowa, thereby relinquishing all your right, title and interest in the above described real estate. J. David Zimmerman Attorney for Orren Thompson 215 6th Ave. S., Ste. 12 Clinton, IA 52732 (563) 241-1279 Date of second publication: December 23, 2015 Published: Dec,. 16 & 23, 2015 --- CLINTON COUNTY AUDITOR NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Clinton County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 21, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in conference room B, Clinton County Administration Building, 1900 N. 3rd Street, Clinton, IA. The purpose of this public hearing is to solicit public comment on the proposed changes to the Clinton County Indigent Burial Policy. You can obtain a copy of the Indigent Burial Policy at the Clinton County Auditors Office or on the Clinton County Iowa website. Any citizen may address the members of the Board at the Hearing or written comments are to be addressed to the: Clinton County Board of Supervisors, P.O. Box 295 Clinton, IA 52733-2957. FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Eric Van Lancker Clinton County Auditor Published: December 16, 2015. ---- MCC LARSON AND MUSSER HALL HVAC SYSTEM RENOVATION PROJECT Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC) is accepting bids for its Muscatine Community College Larson and Musser Hall HVAC System Renovation Project, 152 Colorado Street, Muscatine, Iowa 52761. This is a complete renovation of the existing buildings HVAC system. The Larson Hall project will remove and replace the existing on slab electric RTU, all of the above ceiling electric VAV boxes, seal some existing ductwork, replace all existing controls, add some new diffusers and some suspended ceiling, The Musser Hall project will include the removal of the existing residential furnaces and AC units, replace and relocate with three new on slab electric RTUs to the north side of the building, renovate and add new main trunk ductwork and supply ductwork per specifications, and install new controls system devices, as well as some new separation walls, hard ceilings and doors. Larson Hall is a one story building of approximately 10,500 sq. ft. which currently houses several general classrooms, media labs, offices and mens and womens restrooms. Musser Hall is a two level building of approximately 5,400 sq. ft., housing the MCC Nursing Program consisting of program specific labs, general classrooms, offices and restrooms. Construction is to begin no later than April 1, 2016 with 100% completion no later than Friday June 24, 2016. A pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday January 5, 2016 at Muscatine Community College (MCC), 152 Colorado Street, Muscatine, IA 52761, Larson Hall. Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday January 19, 2016, at EICCD District Offices, Attn: Cindy LaFrentz, 306 West River Drive, Davenport, Iowa 52801. Bids will be opened and publicly read at that time. Drawings and specifications may be obtained by contacting: IEFM Consulting Engineers, Attn. Brian Stone, 128 E. 23rd Ave, Box 130, Co al Valley, IL 61240, phone 309-799-5150 , fax 309-799-5190, or bstone@ . Documents will be available electronically at: . The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid proposals. Date of second publication: December 19, 2015. Published: Dec. 18 & 19, 2015. ---- CENTRAL DEWITT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids or proposals are hereby invited by the Central DeWitt Community School District, to be filed in the office of the secretary of said District at the Administration Building, 331 E 8th Street, DeWitt, IA on or before 10:00 AM on the 12th day of January, 2016, for the following: CENTRAL DEWITT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (CDCSD) RE-ROOF CONSISTING OF REMOVAL OF 3 ROOF-TOP WOOD-FRAMED DOGHOUSES WITH ASPHALT SHINGLES and REPLACEMENT of said DOGHOUSES WITH METAL STUD FRAMED DOGHOUSES and SINGLE-PLY E.P.D.M. ROOFING TOTALING APPROXIMATELY 5,600 Sq. Ft. Plans and specifications and other contract documents will be on file in the office of the secretary of said school district after December 14th, 2015. The bidder may obtain plans and specifications from Keith Walker, Director of Operations at the Central DeWitt Community School District Administration Building, 331 E 8th Street, DeWitt, IA with no deposit required for said plans and specifications. Keith Walker can be reached at 563-559-0466 or from Knapp Warden Architects & Engineers, 119 14th Street, SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403. Ph: 319-366-6673 The above work shall be commenced on May 26, 2016. This work must be fully completed on or before, August 1, 2016. Each bid proposal shall be made on a form furnished by the school district and must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the name of the bidder endorsed on the outside, and state that it contains a bid on the C.D.C.S.D. Re-Roof and must be accompanied, in a separate envelope, by a bid bond on a form provided by the school district, or a cashiers or a certified check, drawn on an Iowa bank or a bank chartered under the laws of the United States, payable to the said school district in the amount of $10,000.00 as security that the bidder whose proposal is accepted will enter into a contract for the above, and will give the required bond, with sureties to be approved by the school district, which respective sum will be retained by the said district as agreed liquidated damages in case the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract within ten (10) days after award of the contract and post bond satisfactory to the said district insuring the faithful fulfillment of the contract and maintenance. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and produced within the State of Iowa and to Iowa domestic labor. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, said bond to be issued by a responsible surety approved by the said school district, and shall guarantee the faithful performance of the contract, and the terms and conditions therein contained and the maintenance of said improvements in good repair, for not less than two (2) years from the time of acceptance of the improvements by the school district. The school district reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and to waive informalities. Cindie Johnson Secretary Published: December 18, 2015. --- THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CLINTON COUNTY Probate No. ESPRO18399 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICE M. NEUBAUER, DECEASED To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Alice M. Neubauer, Deceased, who died on or about August 17, 2015 You are hereby notified that on November 13, 2015, the last will and testament of Alice M. Neubauer, deceased, bearing date of March 5, 2012, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Thomas K. Neubauer and Richard C. Neubauer were appointed co-executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter, be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated November 25 2015 Thomas K. Neubauer Co-executor of the Estate 1041 College Ave. Clinton, IA 52732 Richard C. Neubauer Co-executor of the Estate 1665 Laudermilch Rd. Palmyra, PA 17078 Brian P. Donnelly Attorney for the Executor 214 Main Avenue , Clinton, IA 52732 Date of second publication: 15 day of December, 2015 Published: Dec. 8 & 15, 2015. ---- MCC LARSON AND MUSSER HALL HVAC SYSTEM RENOVATION PROJECT Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC) is accepting bids for its Muscatine Community College Larson and Musser Hall HVAC System Renovation Project, 152 Colorado Street, Muscatine, Iowa 52761. This is a complete renovation of the existing buildings HVAC system. The Larson Hall project will remove and replace the existing on slab electric RTU, all of the above ceiling electric VAV boxes, seal some existing ductwork, replace all existing controls, add some new diffusers and some suspended ceiling, The Musser Hall project will include the removal of the existing residential furnaces and AC units, replace and relocate with three new on slab electric RTUs to the north side of the building, renovate and add new main trunk ductwork and supply ductwork per specifications, and install new controls system devices, as well as some new separation walls, hard ceilings and doors. Larson Hall is a one story building of approximately 10,500 sq. ft. which currently houses several general classrooms, media labs, offices and mens and womens restrooms. Musser Hall is a two level building of approximately 5,400 sq. ft., housing the MCC Nursing Program consisting of program specific labs, general classrooms, offices and restrooms. Construction is to begin no later than April 1, 2016 with 100% completion no later than Friday June 24, 2016. A pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday January 5, 2016 at Muscatine Community College (MCC), 152 Colorado Street, Muscatine, IA 52761, Larson Hall. Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday January 19, 2016, at EICCD District Offices, Attn: Cindy LaFrentz, 306 West River Drive, Davenport, Iowa 52801. Bids will be opened and publicly read at that time. Drawings and specifications may be obtained by contacting: IEFM Consulting Engineers, Attn. Brian Stone, 128 E. 23rd Ave, Box 130, Co al Valley, IL 61240, phone 309-799-5150 , fax 309-799-5190, or bstone@ . Documents will be available electronically at: . The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid proposals. Date of second publication: December 19, 2015. Published: Dec. 18 & 19, 2015. ---- CLINTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DECEMBER 7, 2015 The Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, met. Present were Supervisors Staszewski, Srp and Hamerlinck. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. 8:30 A.M. Canvass votes of City of Clinton Runoff Election The Board of Supervisors met as the ex-officio Board of Canvassers and proceeded to canvass the votes of the City of Clinton Runoff Election held on December 1, 2015. Results of the canvass are posted on the Clinton County Web site at: 9:00 A.M. Review Correspondence and Claims 9:15 A.M. FORMAL ACTION: Resolutions and Motions The following Resolutions #2015-320 through #2015-323 were approved on the Consent Agenda: RESOLUTION #2015-320 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, that the resignation of Sandra Beck, Targeted Case Manager, Office of Case Management, be and is hereby accepted effective midnight, December 11, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor be and is hereby authorized to discontinue pay checks effective said date. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman RESOLUTION #2015-321 WHEREAS, Clinton County is the owner of tax sale certificate number 13-0503 for property located at 655 6TH Ave. S., Clinton, Iowa, owned by Edwin Schaefer, a 92 year old disabled veteran residing in a nursing care facility in Minnetonka, Minnesota. FURTHER, Attorney Michelle M. Draewell of Rajkowski Hansmeier, Ltd., requests a compromise and abatement from the Clinton County Board of Supervisors of all taxes due in the approximate amount of $17,310.00 and offers an immediate payment of $5,000.00 as a compromise payment on behalf of Edwin Schaefer. FURTHER, the parcel is currently assessed at a value of $3,990.00 with a net taxable value of $2,224.00. The delinquent and outstanding tax due far exceeds the current land value due to a demolition of buildings that occurred in 2011. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Clinton County Board of Supervisors, in accordance with Sections 445.16 and 445.18, Code of Iowa, that the tax value exceeds the existing property value and it is in the best interest of the County to accept a compromised tax value of $5,000.00 It is further resolved that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept the payment of $5,000.00 in lieu of the delinquent outstanding tax sale certificate #13-0503 and all outstanding taxes due, effective Dec. 7, 2015. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman RESOLUTION #2015-322 WHEREAS, the Clinton County Sheriff has terminated the employment of Patricia Edwards, as a Correctional Officer. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, that the County Auditor be and is hereby authorized to stop issuance of biweekly paychecks on the General Basic Fund, Office of Jail, to Patricia Edwards after accrued benefits are paid effective after her last day of employment on November 30, 2015. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman RESOLUTION #2015-323 WHEREAS, the Clinton County Sheriff is an elected official and the Board of Supervisors does not consider nor appoint personnel for elected officials, but need to authorize payroll for the County Auditor. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, that the County Auditor be and is hereby authorized to issue biweekly paychecks on the General Basic Fund, Office of Sheriff, to Kelly Schemers, as a bailiff/security/transport officer, a part-time position. This will be in effect December 7, 2015, at an hourly rate of $15.00 per hour. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman Motion was made by Supervisor Srp to remove Resolution #2015-324 from the Consent Agenda and place under Unfinished Business. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes Motion carried. The following resolution was presented and on motion adopted. RESOLUTION #2015-325 BE IT RESOLVED that the Clinton County Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on December 21, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room B at the Clinton County Administration Building, 1900 N. 3rd Street, Clinton, Iowa 52732, for the purpose of soliciting public comment to proposed changes to the Clinton County Indigent Burial Policy. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman The following resolution was presented and on motion adopted. RESOLUTION #2015-326 WHEREAS, under Chapter 28E of the Code of Iowa, Clinton County, Iowa, may as a public agency, enter into an agreement with a public agency which is a political subdivision of the State of Iowa, such as a City governing body, to cooperate in such a way as to provide joint services to their constituents and to cooperate in other ways of mutual advantage; and WHEREAS, the City of Welton has been awarded federal aid bridge replacement funds (Iowa DOT Funding Agreement 6-13-SBRU-17); and WHEREAS, the funding mechanism is a reimbursement type of fund and the City requires assistance in the construction observation and inspection for the project; and WHEREAS, a 28E agreement has been prepared identifying the roles and the responsibilities of each agency for the proposed project. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Clinton County Board of Supervisors that said 28E agreement be and is hereby approved and the Chairman and County Auditor be and are hereby authorized to execute said 28E agreement on behalf of Clinton County, Iowa. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #2015-324 discussion: A name was added to the list of appointees. The following resolution was presented and on motion adopted. RESOLUTION #2015-324 BE IT RESOLVED that the Clinton County Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, hereby order the following appointments and re-appointments to various County boards and commissions: Board of Health (Three-Year Term) Oduah "Daniel" Osaro, M.D. (re-appointment) Compensation Commission (Right-of-Way) (One-Year Term) Jerome (re-appointment) Kerry(re-appointment) Loren .(re-appointment) Shelly(re-appointment) Brian L. Holdgrafer (re-appointment) Joanne Rogis (re-appointment) Paul (re-appointment) Kate(re-appointment) Thomas (re-appointment) Mary(re-appointment) Baird .(re-appointment) Craig(re-appointment) Frederick (re-appointment) Douglas.(re-appointment) Mathew .(re-appointment) William(re-appointment) John (re-appointment) Paul(re-appointment) Scott (re-appointment) Dennis(re-appointment) Janet (re-appointment) Steven(re-appointment) Alan .(re-appointment) David(re-appointment) Edith .(re-appointment) John.(appointment) Tami (re-appointment) John(appointment) Conservation Board (Five-Year Term) Gloria (re-appointment) John.(appointment) Historic Preservation Commission (Three-Year Term) Julie Neely (appointment) Veterans Affairs Commission (Three-Year Term) Thomas(re-appointment) (appointment) Pioneer Cemetery Commission (Three-Year Term) Earl Paarmann (re-appointment) Judi Henricksen (appointment) Bill Fatchett (re-appointment) Bill Looney (appointment) Jackson County EMS Advisory Board Kendall Coates (appointment) Rod Syfert (appointment) Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman GENERAL PUBLIC DEPARTMENT HEADS, ELECTED OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES Clinton County Auditor Eric Van Lancker reported that auditors from the State Auditors Office are on site for the next two weeks to finish the Countys annual audit. He also reported FY2017 budget worksheets have been delivered to all departments. Clinton County Building Maintenance Manager Corey Johnson reported the blocks for the Administration Building retaining wall will be here on Wednesday. It is anticipated the project will be completed by mid-next week. Hamerlinck commented that Johnson is doing a good job with the challenges this project has presented. Srp reported the City of Clinton conducted an informational meeting about the proposed Public Safety Authority on Saturday and will host another tonight and two more on Saturday. 9:35 A.M. Drainage Districts: •Request to outlet a private tile into Drainage District #17 •Approval of change order for repair work in Drainage District #23 Lateral 2 •Repair request in Drainage District #18 Motion was made by Supervisor Srp to recess as Board of Supervisors and convene as Board of Trustees for Drainage District #17, Drainage District #23 and Drainage District #18. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes Motion carried. The Board of Supervisors recessed and the Board of Trustees convened at 9:36 a.m. County Engineer Todd Kinney reviewed the status of the private tile outlet request in Drainage District #17. He said there was nothing new to report at this time. Kinney reviewed the change order on the Drainage District #23 repair to add the cleaning of a portion of Lateral 2. The following resolution was presented and on motion adopted. RESOLUTION #2015-DD23-01 WHEREAS, the Clinton County Board of Supervisors acting as Trustees for Drainage District #23 have reviewed the proposed changes to the contract with Dexter Dozing & Scraping for the Drainage District #23 2014 Repair Project; and WHEREAS, the Clinton County Engineer has determined that the requested ditch cleaning on Lateral #2 is warranted; and WHEREAS, the Clinton County Engineer has prepared change order #1 detailing the contract changes and negotiated unit price and recommends approval. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, concurs with the Clinton County Engineers recommendation that change order #1 for the contract changes be approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors acting as Trustees for Drainage District #23 execute change order #1 on behalf of Drainage District #23. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes John F. Staszewski, Chairman Kinney reviewed a repair request in Drainage District #18. Kinney reported replacing all the tile in the area of concern would cost about $12,000. He said running a camera down the tile to identify spot repairs could cost up to $4,000. He will work on more solid pricing and bring that information back to the Board of Trustees. Motion was made by Supervisor Srp to adjourn as Board of Trustees for Drainage Districts and reconvene as Board of Supervisors. Roll Call: Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Staszewski: Yes Motion carried. The Board of Supervisors reconvened at 9:47 a.m. The Board of Supervisors approved the following claims be allowed and checks issued on the various funds in payment thereof: 03414 ALLIANT ENERGY, INTERSTATE LIGHT/POWER CO SERVICE 1,644.33 04319 ALLIED SERVICES LLC, DBA REPUBLIC SERVICES OUTSIDE SERVICES 354.26 03435 ANDERSON SAND & GRAVEL CO ROCK 271.38 07499 B2B COMPUTER PRODUCTS LLC, DBA ITSAVVY LLC SUPPLIES 132.80 00202 BECK, SANDRA KAY MILEAGE REIMB 70.15 05669 BELLEVUE COMM SCHOOL, LITTLE STARS PRESCHOOL SCHOOL READY 100.00 03528 BOSS INC SUPPLIES 967.01 04579 BRIDGEVIEW COMH CENTER SERVICES 8,352.61 04786 BUCHMEYER TOOLS INC, DBA MATCO TOOLS SHOP TOOLS 10,699.96 03563 CALAMUS, CITY OF UTILITIES 63.22 00445 CDW LLC, CDW GOVERNMENT LLC SUPPLIES 830.77 08055 CEDAR RAPIDS TIRE TIRE CHAINS 1,032.00 00452 CENTER FOR ALCOHOL & DRUG SERVICES INC SERVICES 2,834.00 02458 CENTURYLINK SERVICE 995.99 00485 CHRISTOFFERSEN, THOMAS A UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 150.00 00564 CLINTON COUNTY SHERIFF TRANSPORTATION 43.80 00584 CLINTON NATIONAL BANK EQUIPMENT 1,327.63 08046 CLINTON PROPERTIES LLC RENT ASSISTANCE 200.00 00495 CLINTON, CITY OF SEWER SERVICE 277.76 08056 CLINTON, CITY OF PROJECT EXPENSE 48,738.52 02858 CLINTON, CITY OF HOUSING AUTH, STAY N PLAY DAYCARE SCHOOL READY 200.00 04392 CMI INC EQUIPMENT 1,240.00 04745 COMMUNITY ACTION OF EASTERN IA SCHOOL READY 10,152.36 04539 COMPANY ONE FIRE SUPPRESSION INSPECTION 2,933.70 00670 COUNTRY SPRING BOTTLED WATER WATER/RENTAL 26.60 06514 CRAMER, JULIE M MEAL REIMB 56.41 00689 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO SUPPLIES 65.83 00701 CUNDIFF, STEVE L UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 150.00 05629 DABO LLC RENT 11,127.45 00724 DAN'S EXCAVATING & GRADING DITCH CLEANING/EXCAVATING 5,525.00 00731 DAU, ERIC M CELL PHONE REIMB 50.00 03819 DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO SUPPLIES 134.00 05212 DETERMAN, PATRICK M, LYONS FILING STATION FUEL ASSISTANCE 15.00 00809 DICKEY, TRACY J MILEAGE REIMB 319.71 04562 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE, INC SUPPLIES 2,983.04 08028 ELERT & ASSOC NETWORKING DIV STUDY PAYMENT 1,035.00 03890 FASTENAL CO PARTS 43.47 03894 FAUSER DEVELOPMENT CO PARTS 35.05 00975 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION SHIPPING 8.13 03904 FEUSS, DAVID H EXPENSE REIMB 35.00 04290 FILE OF LIFE FOUNDATION INC SUPPLIES 545.76 00163 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES INC, DBA B P FUEL 85.68 03986 G & K SERVICES SUPPLIES 439.08 01080 GARAGE INC, THE VEHICLE MAINT 63.26 05353 GATEWAY DOOR COMPANY REPAIR 61.63 01106 GATEWAY SUPPLY LTD SUPPLIES 917.27 03110 GENESIS VNA & HOSPICE SCHOOL READY/SERVICES 4,814.22 01127 GERDES, LORI OUTSIDE SERVICES 185.00 04609 GRIEP, CYNTHIA M MILEAGE REIMB 99.48 05169 GROWMARK INC, AGVANTAGE FS FUEL 11,679.27 01939 HAJOCA CORPORATION, MCDONALD SUPPLY SUPPLIES 39.76 03336 HARRY'S FARM TIRE INC, TIRES N' MORE TIRES 511.25 08052 HEALTH SOLUTIONS LLC WELLNESS PROGRAM 4,875.00 08058 HEIMS, JILL S MILEAGE REIMB 379.26 04077 HENDERSON PRODUCTS INC PARTS 439.16 01338 HOLLERAN,SHAW,MURPHY& STOUTNER SERVICES 875.00 04118 ILLOWA CULVERT & SUPPLY CO MATERIALS 4,534.36 01439 IOWA AMERICAN WATER CO UTILITY ASSISTANCE 56.30 04156 IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION REGISTRATIONS 1,600.00 01492 IOWA LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY TRAINING 3,000.00 01495 IOWA MUNICIPALITIES WORKERS COMP ASSOC PREMIUMS 11,965.00 01510 IOWA STATE ASSOCIATION OF, COUNTIES REGISTRATION 210.00 04178 IOWA STATE PRISON INDUSTRIES SIGNS 2,817.30 04186 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY REGISTRATION 250.00 05168 IWORQ SYSTEMS SOFTWARE 1,908.00 01575 JANSEN ELECTRIC SHOP TOOLS 207.52 07710 KIRCHHOFF, LYNN A MILEAGE REIMB 204.55 05633 KREITER, JENNY MILEAGE REIMB 282.40 03419 KRIEGER'S OF DEWITT VEHICLE MAINT 72.64 07673 KUHL, MARGARET L MILEAGE REIMB 662.35 01726 KUNAU IMPLEMENT CO INC PARTS 426.21 08006 LANT, CRYSTAL A MILEAGE REIMB 425.05 01770 LAURITZEN AUTOMOTIVE INC VEHICLE MAINT 34.43 03481 LECTRONICS INC REPAIR SERVICE 106.37 04976 LEDVINA GEURINK, AMBER M MILEAGE REIMB 109.83 01802 LIBERTEL ASSOCIATES EQUIPMENT 436.32 07287 LIVESAY, RODNEY MEI SERVICES 39.95 03519 LOW MOOR, CITY OF RESURFACING PROJECT 136,000.00 01845 LUCKRITZ, BRIAN MILEAGE REIMB 106.95 01850 LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA INC SCHOOL READY 20,930.68 07982 LYNCH DALLAS PC LEGAL FEES 2,695.50 01657 M J CALCOTE INC, DBA KENDRICK PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL 175.00 05024 MAIL SERVICES LLC SERVICES 1,809.01 08004 MANNING, ALICIA A MILEAGE REIMB 185.15 03591 MARTIN EQUIPMENT OF IL INC FILTERS & BLADES 1,197.71 01917 MASTERCARD DEC PAYMENT 1,505.92 07413 MAYER LONERGAN & ROLFES LEGAL REP 330.00 01931 MCCLIMON, BRYAN P MEAL REIMB 53.13 01952 MCINTYRE, RHONDA MILEAGE REIMB 122.23 04444 MEDIACOM COMMUNICATIONS CORP SERVICE 109.95 01974 MEIER, CHRISTINE B MILEAGE REIMB 55.97 03644 MIDWEST WHEEL COMPANIES INC FILTERS 495.04 03669 MOLO OIL COMPANY FUEL 2,538.07 02079 MORELAND, JOHN S EXPENSE REIMB 216.67 06783 MULGREW OIL CO, DBA R & K OIL CORP FUEL 11,527.12 04556 MUSSMANN, MARK C MILEAGE REIMB 96.06 03697 MUTUAL WHEEL CO PARTS 353.77 02243 OPHEIM, MARCIA L MILEAGE REIMB 99.00 06410 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS PARTS 9.54 05881 OSARO, ODUAH DANIEL MD STIPEND 500.00 02287 PATHWAY LIVING CENTER INC SERVICES 11,295.00 06462 PENNOCK, ELLIOTT SAFETY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 81.99 04485 PERSONNEL CONCEPTS SUPPLIES 25.90 06294 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL INC PEST CONTROL 62.50 02397 PRAIRIE VIEW MANAGEMENT INC SERVICES 2,962.67 02401 PREMIER LINEN & DRYCLEANING, INC CLEANING SERVICE 55.39 06635 PREMIER PARTS INC, NAPA PARTS PARTS 13.47 03950 PRESTON READY MIX CORP ROCK 1,502.28 07353 PS3 ENTERPRISES INC, DBA GRASS GROOMERS/ OUTSIDE SERVICES 211.00 07541 QUALITY CLEANING EQUIPMENT SHOP EXPENSE 269.29 02450 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 1,490.84 02467 R H A SERVICE INC REPAIR SERVICE 191.00 03732 R K DIXON CO/COMMAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER MAINT 132.68 06656 R K DIXON, COMMAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER MAINT 399.00 04015 RACOM CORPORATION RADIO SERVICES 1,661.36 08043 RAMIREZ, STEPHEN M MEI SERVICES 127.65 02553 RIVER CITY DISPOSAL DISPOSAL SERVICES 65.00 04877 RIVER CITY PIPE BENDERS, TRAILER DEPOT REPAIR SERVICE 360.07 02470 RK AUTOGRAPHICS INC, RK GRAPHICS PARTS 210.00 02562 ROBINSON, PATRICIA B MILEAGE REIMB 224.83 04064 ROCK RIVER CONSULTING INC OUTSIDE SERVICES 1,300.00 04067 ROCKMOUNT RESEARCH & ALLOYS SUPPLIES 908.74 05704 ROGIS, DAVID GLEN MEI SERVICES 100.00 04491 SANITOL SERVICE INC CLEANING SERVICES 935.00 04910 SCHROEDER, JESSUP UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 150.00 02700 SCOTT COUNTY JUVENILE, DETENTION CENTER DETAINMENT 2,940.00 05209 SCOTT VAN KEPPEL LLC PARTS 2,433.90 08057 SHELL FLEET CARD PLUS FUEL 89.90 07966 SHRED-IT US JV LLC, DBA SHRED-IT USA LLC SERVICES 498.84 02749 SIKKEMA, SHANE M MILEAGE REIMB 138.00 08019 SLOAN IMPLEMENT COMPANY INC PARTS 76.20 05778 STASZEWSKI, JOHN MILEAGE REMB 282.00 07357 STEVENS, CAROL KAY, DBA PETS FOREVER DISPOSAL SERVICES 268.50 02928 SYSCO IOWA INC PROVISIONS/SUPPLIES 2,385.48 03312 THEISEN'S OF DE WITT INC SUPPLIES 346.52 04046 THOMPSON TRUCK & TRAILER INC PARTS 5,575.49 06210 TIETJENS-LOCKHART CONSTRUCTION, INC RENT 50.00 03001 TRANSLATIONS UNLIMITED INC SERVICES 175.78 03014 TRIMBLE, JAMES R, TRIMBLE APARTMENTS RENT ASSISTANCE 200.00 05071 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC SERVICE 187.50 04817 ULINE INC SUPPLIES 2,228.50 03043 UNIFORM DEN INC UNIFORMS 140.74 03049 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORP SERVICE 57.83 02381 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, POSTMASTER POSTAGE STAMPS 49.00 05819 VAN LANCKER, ERIC MILEAGE REIMB 157.13 07905 VAN METER INC PARTS 76.32 03091 VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC SERVICES 3,650.00 03465 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES LLC SERVICE 897.13 05547 VETTERS INC, CULLIGAN WATER TECHNOLOGY SERVICE 24.80 06139 VICTORY CENTER MINISTRIES RENT ASSISTANCE 200.00 06600 VISITING NURSE SERVICES OF IA SCHOOL READY 2,482.37 07394 WATTS, BENJAMEN G MEAL REIMB 77.86 06495 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS, INC SERVICE 914.38 03239 WITT'S SMALL ENGINE CLINIC INC EQUIPMENT 1,438.00 01108 YWCA, CLINTON, CHILDRENS' CENTER SCHOOL READY 500.00 GRAND TOTAL: 404,970.90 FUND TOTALS RECAP Fund Expended 0001 GENERAL BASIC 48,091.43 0002 GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL 21,326.33 0010 MH-DD SERVICES FUND 22,493.40 0020 SECONDARY ROADS 254,507.90 0161 DD 7 LAT D 5,525.00 4000 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1,494.99 4010 E911 3,148.16 4100 COUNTY ASSESSOR 742.11 4110 CITY ASSESSOR 6,650.82 5120 SCHOOL READY 33,249.63 5121 EARLY CHILDHOOD IOWA 2,866.13 8500 CLINTON COUNTY BENEFIT TRUST 4,875.00 GRAND TOTAL: 404,970.90 The Board of Supervisors adjourned to meet on Monday, December 14, 2015. Eric Van Lancker County Auditor John F. Staszewski Chairman -APPROVED- Published: December 21, 2015. ---- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF THE STATE OF IOWA IN AND FOR CLINTON COUNTY NO. JVJV005138 NOTICE OF TERMINATION HEARING IN THE INTEREST OF J.M.W., A Minor Child. TO: MERCEDES MCKENZIE, MOTHER OF J.M.K. BORN ON May 18, 2011 You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Court for Clinton County, Iowa, a Petition in Case No. JVJV005138, which prays for a termination of the parent-child relationships between the natural mother and J.M.W. born on May 18, 2011. For further details contact the Clerk's Office. The Petitioner's attorney is Jennifer Olsen, Olsen Law Firm, 2322 E. Kimberly Road, Ste. 100E, Davenport, IA 52807; Phone (563) 383-6090; Facsimile (563) 355-0611; Email: You are notified that there will be a hearing on the Petition to Terminate Parental Rights before the Iowa Juvenile Court for Clinton County, at the Courthouse in Clinton, Iowa at 1:30 P.M. on the 5th day of February, 2016. Unless you appear and defend, the relief prayed for in said Petition may be granted. You are further notified that in the event you are indigent and cannot afford legal counsel, the Court, upon proper application and qualification may appoint Counsel to you. CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Date of second publication: December 28, 2015 Published: Dec. 21 & 28, 2015.