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COUNTY COURT : STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF OTSEGO KIM TERPENNINGNOTICE OF SALE 9 Tilley Avenue Oneonta, New York 13820Index No.:2014-0126 Plaintiff, -against- HENRY C. LOEFFLER ll 445 pleasant Valley Road Milford, New York 13807 -and- NBT BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 52 South Broad Street Norwhich, New York 13825 Defendants Pursuant to an Interlocutory Judgment of Partition, duly entered on January 27, 2015, I, Michael Laucello, Esq., the referee named in said Default Judgment dated August 25, 2014, will sell one parcel at public auction on July 16, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. At the front steps of the Otsego County Courthouse, Cooperstown, New York, the premises described as follows: "ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Hartwick, County of Otsego, State of New York, more particularly described in a deed from Bozena Silva to Henry Loeffler and Delia Loeffler, dated September 8,1948, in Liber 435 of Deeds at Page 424. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING from said premises that portion conveyed to John A. Bonczek and Margaret Bonczek by deed, dated May 26, 1967, and recorded in the Otsego County Clerk's Office September 6, 1967 in Liber 584 of Deeds at Page 519. ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING the premises conveyed by Henry Loeffler and Delia Loeffler to David D. Durando by deed dated May 5, 1979 and recorded in the Otsego County Clerk's Office May 7, 1979 in Liber 667 of Deeds at Page 862. ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate and being in the Town of Hartwick, County of Otsego and State of New York, and being more particularly described as follows: beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the center line of pavement of Pleasant Valley Road with the division line between lands belonging to Wallace and this parcel, "PK" nail set, said point being 473 plus or minus feet southeast of Bunn Road; THENCE North 11 degrees, 13 minutes, 29 seconds East, through an iron pipe set; along the said division line between lands belonging to Wallace and this parcel a distance of 966 feet, iron pipe set; THENCE South 55 degrees, 11 minutes, 29 seconds East, along the division line between lands belonging to Loeffler and this parcel, through an iron pipe set, a distance of 555.03 feet, "PK" nail set; THENCE along the aforementioned center line of Pleasant Valley Road the following eight courses and distances: South 40 degrees, 00 minutes, 52 seconds West, 120 feet; South 38 degrees, 04 minutes, 11 seconds West, 240 feet; South 36 degrees, 48 minutes, 02 Seconds West, 256 feet; South South 39 degrees, 25 minutes, 12 Seconds West, 70 feet; South 46 degrees, 52 minutes, 44 Seconds West, 70 feet; South 59 degrees, 03 minutes, 16 Seconds West, 60 feet; South 76 degrees, 16 minutes, 57 Seconds West, 60 feet; South 87 degrees, 57 minutes, 03 Seconds West, 60 feet; SUBJECT to easements and rights of way, if any, either of record or which an inspection of the premises might disclose, heretofore given to highway, electric, telephone, or other utility purposes. Being a portion of the premises as described in a deed dated September 7, 1948 from Bozena Silva to Henry Loeffler and Delia Loeffler, which deed was recorded in Otsego County Clerk's Office September 8, 1949 in Liber of 435 of Deeds at Page 424. The above stated Henry Loeffler died on September 5, 1982, Leaving Delia Loeffler as surviving tenant by the entirety. AND BEING the same premises conveyed by Administrator's Deed from Sidney G. Loeffler, as Administrator CTA of the Estate of Delia Loeffler, to Jerry Wood, part of the first part herin, which deed was recorded in the Otsego County Clerk's Office on the 14th day of November, 1997 in Liber of 816 of Deeds at Page 86, said premises being designated on the tax records of Otsego County as Tax Map Number 176.00-1-54.01 and also known as 445 Peasant Valley Road, Milford, New York. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof," The Premises are more commonly known as 445 Pleasant Vallley Road, Milford, New York 12116. Dated June 12, 2015 Oneonta, New York Michael Laucello, Esq. Referee

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