(Published in The Norman Transcript January 9, 2016, 1t) DISTRICT COURT OF CLEVELAND COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN RE: The name of: Michael Dale Baker CV-16-21 NOTICE OFHEARING ON CHANGE ON PETITION TO CHANGE NAME TO: All interested parties Take notice that Michael Dale Baker has petitioned to change his/her name to Michael Dale Sutton A Hearing on said petition is set for 1:30 oclock P.M. on the 21 day of January, 2016, before Judge Walkley at 1:30 o:clock in his/her courtrrom in the Cleveland County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numbered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted as prayed. Rhonda Hall COURT CLERK s/Larry Bierman By:Deputy (Seal)