NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That I, the undersigned Collector of Taxes in and for the Town of Middlefield have received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of Taxes for the present year, and that I will attend at the Town Hall in said Town on Tuesdays, and Thursdays between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm, and for the month of January only, Monday from 3-5pm for the purpose of receiving the taxes assessed upon such roll. Taxes may be paid on or before January thirty-first without charge or interest. On all such taxes remaining unpaid after January thirty-first, 1 per centum will be added for the first month and an additional 1 per centum for each month and fraction thereof thereafter until the return of unpaid taxes is made by the collector to the County Treasurer pursuant to law. Dated this 30th day of December, 2015 Beth Moakler Town Clerk/Tax Collector