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PO-16-1231 (published in the Saturday edition of The Duncan Banner, January 16 and 23, 2016-2 times) RESOLUTION NO. 1616 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHlNG FILING PERIODS AND DATE OF GENERAL ELECTIONS FOR COUNCILMEN WARDS THREE (3) AND FOUR (4) OF THE CITY OF DUNCAN, OKLAHOMA, STATING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF SAID OFFICE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2016. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Duncan. Oklahoma: Section 1: That the filing period for the office of the City Council for the City of Duncan, Oklahoma, shall commence on the 1st day of February, 2016 and end on the 3rd day of February, 2016. Section 2: That the general election shall be held on the 5th day of April, 2016 with the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes being elected. Section 3: That no citizens whom would be eligible to vote in the Duncan Municipal Election reside in Precincts 33, 54, 55, 56 or 61 and those precincts will be closed. Section 4: The election shall be conducted to fill the office of Councilman Wards Three (3) and Four (4) of the City of Duncan, Oklahoma, which Wards are described as follows: Ward Three (3) shall be composed of all that portion of the City west of U.S. Highway 81, north of Oak Avenue to 17th Street, north of Birch Avenue to 22nd Street (between 17th Street and 22nd Street), north of Oak Avenue to 23rd Street (between 22nd Street and 23rd Street) and north of Beech west of 23rd Street. Ward Four (4) shall be composed of all that portion of the City west of U.S. Highway 81, south of Oak Avenue east of 17th Street, south of Birch Avenue east of 22nd Street (between 17th Street and 22nd Street), south of Oak Avenue east of 23rd Street (between 22nd Street and 23rd Street), south of Beech Avenue west of 23rd Street and all of that portion of the City lying south of Oak Avenue west of "D" Street and Highway 7 A east of Highway 81. Each qualified elector shall be entitled to one (I) vote. Section 5: That to be eligible for the three (3) year term of office, each candidate shall be a qualified elector of their respective ward. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8h day of December, 2015. THE CITY OF DUNCAN, OKLAHOMA A Municipal Corporation /s/Ritchie Dennington Mayor ATTEST: /s/Christina Archer City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: /s/David Hammond, City Attorney

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