Mystic Regular Council Meeting Minutes Mystic City Hall January 14, 2016 Mayor Carl Clark called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Phil Hudson, Elaine Surber, Terry Whittom, James Ruby all present Jim Hatfield entered the meeting at 6:01pm Motion by Hudson to approve agenda 2nd Surber motion carried. Motion by Hudson to approve minutes from 12-15-15 & 12-21-15 2nd Surber motion carried. Motion by Hudson to approve current expenses/bills 2nd Whittom, motion carried. Motion by Hudson to approve department reports 2nd Whittom, motion carried New business: Budget approval date set for 2-11-16, roll call all ayes Approved removing light and west, east and south fence at City Park, roll call all ayes Approved removing north and south stop signs at 2nd and Lewis, roll call all ayes Appointed department heads: Hudson, roads/Hatfield, water/Surber, cemetery and events/Whittom, Community Center/Ruby, sewer Appointed Hatfield and Ruby as Municipal Infraction Officers Set fee of $500.00 for right to trench across a City road Motion by Hatfield to adjourn 2nd Hudson, motion carried Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm. MYSTIC CITY BILLS FOR APPROVAL 14-Jan-16 Daily Iowegian minutes/subscription $185.68 App Cty Sheriff monthly patrol $100.00 Atomic pest control $35.00 Alliant city hall & shop $162.89 Kratofil Auto 2012 truck assessories $544.50 Kratofil Auto 2012 Chevy pickup & snow blade $17,500.00 Windstream phone/internet $143.48 TOTAL DUE/CITY BILLS: $18,671.55 COMMUNITY CENTER BILLS FOR APPROVAL 14-Jan-16 Atomic pest control $50.00 Hope Engle deposit refund $25.00 Norman Houser trays $22.10 Norma Thomas deposit refund $50.00 Nancy Robinson deposit refund $50.00 Barbara Hale deposit refund $50.00 Alliant electric $683.05 Carol Seddon food $319.27 Carl Clark food $82.95 Nancy Robinson food $277.99 TOTAL DUE/COMMUNITY CENTER BILLS: $1,610.36 MYSTIC SEWER BILLS FOR APPROVAL 14-Jan-16 Ipers Dec $303.68 Infomax copies $59.29 Postmaster stamps $73.50 IA Dept of Rev 4th Q St withholding $188.00 St of Ia 4th Q unemployment $50.85 IRS Dec withholding $493.46 USA Blue Book sewer pump and gloves $2,147.67 Carquest parts $54.27 Lockridge supplies $87.22 Baker's Repair sharpening $18.00 Alliant sewer pumps $689.06 Windstream phone lines $107.81 TOTAL DUE/SEWER BILLS: $4,272.81 MYSTIC ROAD BILLS FOR APPROVAL 14-Jan-16 App Cty Roads salt/sand $596.74 Alliant street lights $931.78 L & W Quarries rock $111.49 St of IA 4th Q unemployment $50.85 IA Dept of Rev 4th Q St withholding $188.00 IPERS Dec $303.68 IRS Dec withholding $493.46 Sinclair Tractor grader repairs $160.50 TOTAL DUE/ROAD BILLS $2,836.50 MYSTIC WATER BILLS FOR APPROVAL 1-14-2016 Lockridge supplies $87.23 Fogle True Value tool $9.99 Carquest parts $54.27 MESI water testing $18.00 Postmaster stamps $73.50 IPERS Dec $303.68 IA Dept of Rev 4th Q St withholding $188.00 IA Dept of Rev 4th Q sales tax $1,238.00 St of IA 4th Q unemployment $50.85 IRS Dec withholding $493.46 M Bills deposit refund $17.06 T Davis deposit refund $12.25 Orshelins shop supplies $34.42 Infomax copier $59.30 RRWA water $3,169.60 TOTAL DUE/WATER BILLS: $5,809.61 MYSTIC RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS FOR APPROVAL 1-14-2016 Windstream phone/internet $103.51 Alliant electric $169.84 TOTAL DUE/RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS: $273.35 Revenue $25,596.99 Community Center Revenue $1,466.16 2015 wages Robert Beck $11,557.50 Carl Clark $1,200.00 Steven Foreman $12,857.00 James Hatfield $240.00 John Hatfield $240.00 Phil Hudson $240.00 Rick May $6,559.75 Ronnie Milburn $795.00 Gary Strickler $10,842.50 Cynthia Sulser $29,877.50 Elaine Surber $220.00 Terry Whittom $180.00 Runs 1x January 22nd, 2016