Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT to Rule 880-X-9D-.02 of the Alabama Surface Mining Commission regulations, Evergreen Mining, LLC, Mine No. 3 Mine, P.O. Box 621, Jasper, Alabama 35502, hereby gives notice that it has filed Phase I, II and III bond release application with the Alabama Surface Mining Commission for release of performance bond for Permit Number P-3812. The area of land for which bond release is requested is defined as Increment No. VI (5 acres) and located in: SE/SW, SW/SW Sec. 23; T13S, R5W; Cullman County, Alabama; NW/NW, NE/NW Sec. 24; T13S, R5W; Walker County, Alabama. The permittee maintains that as of June 25, 2015, all backfilling, regrading, drainage control and revegetation of the area has been completed in compliance with State law and regulations and the approved reclamation plan. The permittee, therefore, is requesting release of 100% of the performance bond (totaling $25,070). Any objections to the release or requests for an informal conference must be sent in writing to the Alabama Surface Mining Commission, P.O. Box 2390, Jasper, Alabama 35502-2390. Such requests must be received no later than August 20, 2015. July 2, 7, 14, 21 2015

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