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CCC 1965 AND 1974 ADDITION R...

CCC 1965 AND 1974 ADDITION RESTROOM RENOVATION PROJECT Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC) is accepting bids for its Clinton Community College 1965 and 1974 Addition Restroom Renovation Project, 1000 Lincoln Boulevard, Clinton, Iowa 52732. This is a complete demolition of the existing restrooms including the compartments, toilets, lavatories, urinals, flush valves, faucets, ceiling tile and grid, entry doors and frames, all lighting, and accessories. In addition both addition restrooms will have the terrazzo and or tile floors removed. The 1974 Addition restroom will have some the existing tile walls removed and both additions will have some CMU and or brick wall demolition and replacement. Both addition bathrooms will have all walls and floors prepped to receive new ceramic tile. Walls not receiving ceramic tile will be patched and painted. The 1964 addition restrooms will receive new ceiling grid and 2’x2’ ceiling tile, with both addition restrooms receiving new LED lights (ceiling and lavatory), new toilets/urinals, automatic flush valves, Corian counters, sinks and faucets, new acrylic restroom compartments, new fixtures (mirrors, paper towel/toilet paper dispensers, hand soap dispensers), new wood entry doors and frames with new automatic openers. The project has a completion date of no later than August 12, 2016. A pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Friday February 5, 2016 at the Clinton Community College (CCC) address, Room 127. Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday March 9, 2016, at CCC, Office of the President, 1000 Clinton Blvd, Clinton, Iowa 52732. Bids will be opened and publicly read at that time. Plans and specifications may be obtained at: the EICC District Office, Attn: Cindy LaFrentz, 306 West River Drive, Davenport, Iowa 52801, 563-336-3345, or at the CCC Presidents Office, 1000 Clinton Boulevard, Clinton, Iowa, 52732, 563-244-7022. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Date of second publication: January 30, 2016. Published: January 29 & 30, 2016 ---- THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CLINTON COUNTY Probate No. ESPR018458 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LILLIAN RUTH HAUFE, a/k/a LILLIAN R. HAUFE, a/k/a LILLIAN M. HAUFE, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Lillian Ruth Haufe, Deceased, who died on or about January 14, 2016: You are hereby notified that on or about January 15, 2016, the last will and testament of Lillian Ruth Haufe, deceased, bearing date of July 28, 2010 was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Stephen D. Haufe was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter, be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated January 18, 2016 Stephen D. Haufe Executor of the Estate 408 So. 2nd St. Clinton, IA 52732 Probate Code Section 304 Stephen D. Haufe Attorney for the Executor Frey, Haufe & Current, PLC 408 So. 2nd St. Clinton, IA 52732 Date of second publication: 29 day of January, 2016 Published: January 22 & 29, 2016 --- CITY OF CAMANCHE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 18, 2016 The City Council of the City of Camanche, Iowa met in budget work session January 12, 2016 at 5:30 P.M. at Camanche City Hall. Present on roll call: Mayor Willis, presiding, and the following named council members: Metzger, Saxon, Lind, Varner, and Wruck. Also present were City Administrator Roth, City Attorney Randy Current, department heads Houzenga, Schutte, and Jindrich. A moment of silence was observed. Mayor Willis led the Pledge of Allegiance. Moved by Lind, second by Varner to approve the agenda. On roll call – all ayes. The council finished looking over the budget packet that they were given last week. Capital Requests: Sewer – Roth stated they would like to overhaul more manholes – do away with the brink manholes. Park and Rec – they would like to buy some skateboard equipment. They also would like to get some trees, picnic table, and work on a study to build a band shell. Fire – replace air tanks. The reserves are pretty skinny. Everything that is on the capital requests list is included in the budget. Wruck asked if you can put away money for roads. Couldn’t the city submit grants for the equipment and use the money you would put in equipment reserve to set aside for roads. Roth said it would be a great idea to set aside money for roads. Wruck stated it’s easy to put money away for things you want, but not for roads. Roth commented that roads are a nightmare. Not just for us – but for all cities. Dave Schutte said the city has robbed Peter to pay Paul right now if they take money from his equipment reserves to help pay for the community center. The council went over a proposed budget for the new building. The city may have to get a written legal opinion from Randy Current on the workers comp/medical only option for the 411 employees. Chris Vens is going to bid it both ways. Roth stated that the insurance company is forcing our hands. Wruck would like the city to look into consolidating some of the options with the phones. Jindrich is to check with CenturyLink about their costs. It was determined that the legal fee line will need to be increased. The council started to go through line by line on the expenses worksheet. Since there were so many pages, it was decided if there were any questions on certain line items, to contact Sheryl or Tom. The next budget work session is set for Monday, January 25, 2016 at 5:30 P.M. The budget work session was adjourned until the council meeting slated for Tuesday, January 19, 2016. Trevor Willis Mayor Sheryl L. Jindrich City Clerk/Treasurer Published: January 29, 2016. --- CLINTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JANUARY 18, 2016 The Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, met. Present were Supervisors Srp, Hamerlinck and Staszewski. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. TRANSFERS General Basic Fund to Secondary Roads Fund $4,575.94 Rural Services Fund to Secondary Roads Transfer $34,222.27 REPORTS The December 2015 monthly and the 2nd Quarter FY2016 reports of the Commission of Veterans Affairs, submitted by Ed Staszewski, Director, were presented, approved and filed. The 2nd Quarter FY2016 report of the County Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected, submitted by Scott Judd, Clinton County Recorder, was presented, approved and filed. The 2nd Quarter FY2016 report of the Sheriff’s Fees and Expenses, submitted by Rick Lincoln, Clinton County Sheriff, was presented, approved and filed. 9:00 A.M. Review Correspondence and Claims 9:15 A.M. FORMAL ACTION: Resolutions and Motions CONSENT AGENDA The following Resolutions #2016-14 through #2016-16 were approved on the Consent Agenda: RESOLUTION #2016-14 WHEREAS, Rick Hey has petitioned for tax suspension under provision of Code of Iowa, Section 427.9, on the following property: 935 2nd Avenue So., Clinton IA Parcel #80-70310000 WHEREAS, eligibility for said suspension has been verified by the Iowa Department of Human Services. BE IT RESOLVED by the Clinton County Board of Supervisors that tax suspension [for the collection of taxes, special assessments, and rates or charges, including interest, fees and costs] be and is hereby approved and the County Treasurer shall to make entry on her records accordingly, all under provision of Section 427.9, Code of Iowa. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tax suspension under provision of Section 427.9, Code of Iowa, is for the 2014 Assessment Year and all prior years and it is the responsibility of the petitioning taxpayer to reapply for further tax suspension. Roll Call: Staszewski: Yes Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Daniel A. Srp, Chairperson RESOLUTION #2016-15 EXEMPTION FROM THE DANGEROUS WEAPONS BAN AGREEMENT WHEREAS, EMA Coordinator, Chance Kness made a written request to the Board of Supervisors requesting that Emergency Management Operations Officer Dan Howard and Emergency Management Radiological Officer Burton Simmons be exempt from the Dangerous Weapons Ban for the County Courthouse, grounds and parking lot (not to include courtrooms while the Court is in session) as long as they are employed by the Clinton County Emergency Management Commission; and WHEREAS, as Emergency Management employees, Howard’s and Simmons’ duties warrant the daily carry of a firearm for their protection and the protection of those around them; and WHEREAS, Howard and Simmons do hold a current, valid non-professional firearm permit and are trained in proper handling of dangerous weapons; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby approves the Emergency Management Coordinator’s request to exempt Dan Howard and Burton Simmons from the Dangerous Weapons Ban for the County Courthouse, grounds and parking lot (not to include courtrooms while the Court is in session) and hereby authorizes the Chairperson to sign said agreements. Roll Call: Staszewski: Yes Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Daniel A. Srp, Chairperson RESOLUTION #2016-16 WHEREAS, the following mobile home tax records in Clinton County have been adjusted in accordance with Iowa Code, Section 435.25, amounting to total adjustments in the amount of $248.00 for various reasons as noted below: District Township/Seq Name Amount 0500 11216153 J & V Rentals $75.00 0500 9645D Jeffrey Walke $97.00 0780 FLML2FE192730063 Royal Pine $76.00 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Clinton County Board of Supervisors, that County records be adjusted by the County Treasurer on the County system to reflect the adjustments as noted on the above listed parcels. Roll Call: Staszewski: Yes Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Daniel A. Srp, Chairperson Resolution #2016-17 discussion: Supervisor preferred to continue the positive relationship the County has with Ahlers & Cooney, but questioned how much is owed to Dorsey & Whitney from the PSA work. CCJCC Coordinator MargaKuhl reported Dorsey & Whitney has not yet sent an invoice for its services. Supervisor also preferred Ahlers & Cooney. Chairperson also agreed and stated he would feel comfortable using Ahlers & Cooney if a PSA were to come back for discussion. The following resolution was presented and on motion approved: RESOLUTION #2016-17 WHEREAS, the Clinton County Board of Supervisors desires to enter into an Agreement with outside bond counsel for all purposes in connection with consultation regarding County bonding issue in relation to a replacement Jail/Sheriff’s Office/Communications Center; and WHEREAS, the Clinton County Board of Supervisors requests to contract with the firm of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. due to their specialized training and expertise in the area of bonding; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Clinton County to receive such assistance; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Clinton County Board of Supervisors authorizes the Chairperson to sign the Engagement Letter for Bond Counsel with Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. Roll Call: Staszewski: Yes Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Daniel A. Srp, Chairperson UNFINISHED BUSINESS GENERAL PUBLIC DEPARTMENT HEADS, ELECTED OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES County Auditor Eric Van Lancker reported he may need a budget amendment to authorize spending authority for a potential City of Clinton Special Election. Chairperson Srp said the Board of Supervisors should start thinking about performing employee evaluations. Srp will set the evaluation assignments among the Supervisors. DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE ACTION Title VI Update: County Engineer Todd Kinney and County Auditor Eric Van Lancker discussed updates to the County’s Title VI program. Van Lancker reported Title VI needs to be updated and include a new coordinator for the program as the previous coordinator is no longer with the County. He said in other counties in Iowa, the coordinator is usually the Auditor, Engineer, HR staff or a board member. Kinney added there is an annual report, but it is a simple one-page report. It was generally decided that Van Lancker will be the coordinator. The updated policy will be presented to the Board of Supervisors next week. 9:38 A.M. Public Hearing with Possible Action – Application for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Skyline Center PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Srpcalled the Public Hearing to order at 9:38a.m. Present were Supervisors Hamerlinck and Staszewski; County Auditor Eric Van Lancker; and members of the press and public. The purpose of the Public Hearing was to solicit comments concerning an application for a CDBG for Skyline Center. Proof of publication was presented, accepted, and returned for filing. No comments were received. Mark Schneider with ECIA and Jack Robinson representing the Skyline Center reviewed the grant application and proposed project. Schneider reviewed the list of items that are required to be addressed during a public hearing for the CDBG. Motion was made by Supervisor Hamerlinck to adjourn the Public Hearing. Roll Call: Staszewski: Yes Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Motion carried. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:48 a.m. The following resolution was presented and on motion approved: RESOLUTION #2016-18 WHEREAS, Skyline Center, Inc. desires to submit a 2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority to renovate and construct an addition to their existing facility to expand services and employment opportunities in Clinton County; and WHEREAS, the CDBG regulations require CDBG funding to be made through a governmental entity; and WHEREAS, the Clinton County Supervisors support and endorse the Skyline Center, Inc. proposed activity and CDBG Application; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisors of Clinton County do hereby endorse and support the proposed CDBG Application and its submission and authorizes the Chairperson to sign the CDBG Application this 18th day of January 2016. Roll Call: Staszewski: Yes Hamerlinck: Yes Srp: Yes Daniel A. Srp, Chairperson 10:00 A.M. Canvass of votes from the Drainage District Election for Drainage Districts #8, #9 and #12 The Board of Supervisors met as the ex-officio Board of Canvassers and proceeded to canvass the votes of the Drainage Districts #8, #9 and #12 elections held on January 16, 2016. Results of the canvass were placed on file in the Clinton County Auditor’s Office. 10:30 A.M. Discussion – Quarterly Report on the County’s Health Benefits Plan – Tim Kearns of RJ Lee & Associates, A True North Company Kearns provided the Supervisors with a quarterly report on the County’s health benefits plan. He distributed and reviewed the report. A copy of the report is on file in the Auditor’s Office. He reported the County has about 16 months of reserve which is good considering expected increased costs in health care in the near future. Kearns reported he is expecting an increase in the County health benefits insurance of about 11% however, that includes a bump for the first year of the new County Wellness Program. He said that program makes up a third of the increase. 1:15 P.M. Budget Discussion - County Conservation 1:30 P.M. Budget Discussion - Previously presented proposed budgets and other budget-related issues - Board of Supervisors The Board of Supervisors approved the following claims be allowed and checks issued on the various funds in payment thereof: 07265 2JR PIZZA ENTERPRISES LLC, DBA PIZZA HUT PROVISIONS 121.24 06883 A E J ENTERPRISES LLC, DBA J & L ENTERPRISES SNOW REMOVAL 1,035.00 05476 ACKERMAN, RAYMOND B JR MEI SERVICES 458.61 05046 ADVANCED CORRECTIONAL, HEALTHCARE INC SERVICES 5,716.62 06719 ADVANCED RADIOLOGY S C SERVICES 36.54 03414 ALLIANT ENERGY, INTERSTATE LIGHT/POWER CO SERVICE 721.10 04319 ALLIED SERVICES LLC, DBA REPUBLIC SERVICES SERVICE 1,517.21 03418 ALTORFER INC EQUIPMENT/PARTS 6,001.95 00074 AMERICAN ELECTRIC INC REPAIR SERVICE 1,180.00 03435 ANDERSON SAND & GRAVEL CO ROAD ROCK 707.58 03436 ANDOVER, CITY OF UTILITIES 72.50 00207 B I INC SERVICES 619.68 07499 B2B COMPUTER PRODUCTS LLC/ITSAVVY LLC PARTS/EQUIPMENT 1,521.35 00185 BARLOW, ROSS J EXPENSE REIMB 55.00 04882 BAUDVILLE INC, DBA IDVILLE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT 2,113.94 05658 BAY AREA LIVERY SERVICE/COMPASSIONATE CARE MEI SERVICES 180.84 05669 BELLEVUE LITTLE STARS PRESCHOOL SCHOOL READY 100.00 06557 BERNIE'S HEATING & COOLING INC REPAIR SERVICE 93.00 04986 BFS RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC VEHICLE MAINT 233.73 07218 BLAKE PARKER LAW OFFICE LEGAL REP 102.00 08079 BLOUNT, CHARLES J RENT ASSISTANCE 200.00 03528 BOSS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 974.11 03532 BRANDENBURG DRAINAGE INC MATERIALS 2,545.24 04579 BRIDGEVIEW COMH CENTER SERVICES 8,972.95 00326 BRINKMAN BUILDING CENTER INC SUPPLIES 57.62 07932 C M & M H D S CONSUMERS SERVED 1,050.00 03563 CALAMUS, CITY OF UTILITIES 63.22 04426 CAMANCHE CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL READY 100.00 02589 CAMANCHE, CITY OF, ROSE HILL CEMETERY SERVICEMEN'S GRAVE CARE 3,200.00 00445 CDW LLC, CDW GOVERNMENT LLC EQUIPMENT 70.26 07328 CENTURY IOWA MOTELS, RAMADA TROPICS LODGING 61.60 02458 CENTURYLINK SERVICE 1,488.05 04840 CENTURYLINK BUSINESS SERVICES SERVICE 810.80 03667 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY SUPPLIES 101.95 03678 CLARK SAW CENTER PARTS 454.90 00546 CLINTON COUNTY AUDITOR POSTAGE/PHONE REIMB 1,399.20 03705 CLINTON COUNTY ENGINEER E911 SIGNS 2,049.50 00561 CLINTON COUNTY SHERIFF TRANSPORTATION 1,066.11 00564 CLINTON COUNTY SHERIFF TRANSPORTATION 282.60 02103 CLINTON MUNICIPAL TRANSIT ADM TRANSPORTATION 48.00 03720 CLINTON PRINTING CO INC SUPPLIES 354.50 00494 CLINTON, CITY OF AMBULANCE SERVICE 696.00 00495 CLINTON, CITY OF SEWER SERVICE/SALARY REIMB 3,946.17 00497 CLINTON, CITY OF, EMPL. HEALTH INS TRUST HEALTH PREMIUMS 6,032.00 07751 COAST TO COAST COMPUTER, PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 382.96 04539 COMPANY ONE FIRE SUPPRESSION REPAIR SERVICE 85.00 00657 CORNERSTONE WELLNESS CENTER SERVICES 703.14 00687 CREATIVE LEARNING CENTER SCHOOL READY 250.00 00701 CUNDIFF, STEVE L MEAL REIMB 8.55 00731 DAU, ERIC M MEAL REIMB 87.38 03810 DELMAR, CITY OF UTILITIES 33.08 00760 DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA PREMIUMS 227.00 03307 DEWITT OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO PUBLICATION 828.65 03308 DEWITT OFFICE CENTER SUPPLIES 88.73 03823 DEWITT, CITY OF UTILITIES 89.69 04498 DIESCH, STEPHEN J MEAL REIMB 72.73 00918 E M C CO PREMIUMS 46.00 05513 EAGLE, SARA A MILEAGE/MEAL REIMB 110.42 03855 EASTERN IOWA LIGHT & POWER SERVICE 818.95 03858 EASTERN IOWA PROPANE LTD FUEL 1,171.94 00888 EASTERN IOWA REPORTING INC TRANSCRIPTS 64.75 03861 EASTERN IOWA TIRE INC VEHICLE MAINT 81.86 00895 ECOLAB INC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 84.95 00916 ELWOOD CEMETERY ASSOCIATION SERVICEMEN'S GRAVE CARE 440.00 00924 EMC NATIONAL LIFE CO PREMIUMS 24.80 05752 ETS DEVELOPMENT GROUP/SLEUTH SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE 9,250.00 05657 F & B COMMUNICATIONS INC SERVICE 335.56 03890 FASTENAL CO PARTS 47.20 06230 FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES EQUIPMENT 472.08 00994 FILLENWARTH BEACH, FILLENWARTH, KEN LODGING 600.00 07155 FINISH LINE FUELS LLC, FUEL 4,287.67 01042 FRIEDERICHSEN, ANDREW R RESERVE PAY 1.00 03986 G & K SERVICES SUPPLIES 931.19 05353 GATEWAY DOOR COMPANY PARTS 34.00 01106 GATEWAY SUPPLY LTD SUPPLIES 52.88 01107 GATEWAY TRAVEL & CRUISE TRAVEL 3,479.22 01109 GAUDET, EDWARD J CELL PHONE REIMB 50.00 05129 GENESIS HEALTH SYSTEM EAP SERVICES 763.20 03110 GENESIS VNA & HOSPICE SERVICES 10,188.45 01127 GERDES, LORI OUTSIDE SERVICES 185.00 05311 GILLUND ENTERPRISES, JB DISTRIBUTING CO INC SUPPLIES 196.76 01863 GLB 3 INC, DBA MJ'S EAST AMOCO FUEL 69.87 01143 GLEW, SHANE RESERVE PAY 1.00 03999 GOOSE LAKE, CITY OF UTILITIES 69.50 06461 GRAND MOUND COMMUNICATIONS CO SERVICE 1,343.81 01174 GRAND MOUND COOP TELEPHONE ASSOC SERVICE 579.78 05169 GROWMARK INC, AGVANTAGE FS GREASE 199.20 07965 HALL, HAILEY L MEAL REIMB 31.80 01244 HARDEN, JIM RESERVE PAY 1.00 03336 HARRY'S FARM TIRE INC, TIRES N' MORE TIRES/REPAIR 36,778.63 04048 HARTZ INC, DBA HARTZ LOCK CO REPAIR SERVICE 117.80 08052 HEALTH SOLUTIONS LLC WELLNESS PROGRAM 18,609.50 08083 HELTON, SEAN MAILBOX REPLACEMENT 50.00 04077 HENDERSON PRODUCTS INC PARTS 593.92 01338 HOLLERAN,SHAW,MURPHY& STOUTNER FEES 625.00 05418 HOLST CONSTRUCTION LLC PARTS 70.00 01352 HORAN, JEAN A MILEAGE REIMB 36.93 07911 HOWARD, DANNIE E CELL PHONE REIMB 50.00 07842 HURLA, DAVID JR RESERVE PAY 1.00 04118 ILLOWA CULVERT & SUPPLY CO MATERIALS 14,037.86 01424 INSTITUTE OF IA CERTIFIED ASSR DUES 50.00 01440 IOWA AMERICAN WATER CO SERVICE 331.80 01456 IOWA COUNTY RECORDERS ASSOC DUES 200.00 04156 IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION REGISTRATION 250.00 01510 IOWA STATE ASSOCIATION OF, COUNTIES REGISTRATION 170.00 06349 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY BRIDGE INSPECTION TRAINING 955.00 07843 JAHN, KELLI RESERVE PAY 1.00 07147 JEFFERY, ALANNA, IOWA-ILLINOIS REPORTING TRANSCRIPTS 142.20 06506 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL EQUIPMENT 225.85 01601 JOHN S PEAVEY LAW OFFICES LEGAL REP 636.00 02671 KENNETH F SCHOENAUER P C LEGAL REP 120.00 05234 KNESS, CHANCE CELL PHONE REIMB 50.00 05028 KNIGHT, RYAN J MILEAGE REIMB 147.77 01712 KONE INC MAINTENANCE 1,881.72 05633 KREITER, JENNY MILEAGE/CELL PHONE REIMB 450.53 03419 KRIEGER'S OF DEWITT VEHICLE MAINT 132.25 07673 KUHL, MARGARET L CELL PHONE REIMB 100.00 08080 KUHSE, MARTYKAY RENT ASSISTANCE 200.00 01731 KWIK TRIP INC FUEL 543.31 01747 LANDAU, GARY H TRANSCRIPTS 94.50 01750 LANDON, ROBYN S MILEAGE REIMB 80.05 01770 LAURITZEN AUTOMOTIVE INC VEHICLE MAINT 82.00 03467 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC, DBA KENT AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 315.17 03481 LECTRONICS INC MAINT FEE 778.50 02439 LEE ENTERPRISES INC, DBA QUAD-CITY TIMES SUBSCRIPTION 113.60 01792 LEMKE FUNERAL HOMES LLC, SOUTH CHAPEL BURIAL ASSISTANCE 3,595.00 01802 LIBERTEL ASSOCIATES EQUIPMENT 147.63 01813 LINN, COUNTY OF, PUBLIC HEALTH SUPPLIES 20.00 01818 LITTLE SHEPHERD CHRISTIAN, PRESCHOOL SCHOOL READY 300.00 07287 LIVESAY, RODNEY MEI SERVICES 184.32 03511 LOST NATION-ELWOOD TELEPHONE SERVICE 988.64 01845 LUCKRITZ, BRIAN MILEAGE REIMB 107.64 01873 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE PREMIUMS 376.62 01879 MAINSTAY SYSTEMS INC MAINTENANCE 237.00 07038 MANATT'S INC MATERIALS 1,036.90 08004 MANNING, ALICIA A MILEAGE REIMB 101.40 06757 MARCUS, JASON J RENT ASSISTANCE 400.00 03591 MARTIN EQUIPMENT OF IL INC PARTS 2,068.79 01917 MASTERCARD JAN PAYMENT 5,608.53 08084 MATHY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PAVING PROJECT 446,682.10 01919 MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC SUPPLIES 301.11 01931 MCCLIMON, BRYAN P RESERVE PAY 1.00 08076 MCCLINTOCK, SHANE M REGISTRATION REIMB 115.00 01945 MCELENEY MOTORS INC VEHICLE MAINT 821.96 01963 MCQUISTION, CHRISTINA MILEAGE REMB 24.15 07279 MEDIACOM COMMUNICATIONS CORP SERVICE 4,100.00 01966 MEDIAPOLIS CARE FACILITY INC SERVICES 1,497.59 03619 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES OF CLINTON, IOWA P L C SERVICES 102.00 03636 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY COMPANY SERVICE 41.49 02021 MID-STATES ORGANIZED CRIME INFO CTR (MOCIC) DUES 150.00 02028 MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIER MAINT 153.64 03644 MIDWEST WHEEL COMPANIES INC FILTERS 247.09 02045 MILES CO-OP TELEPHONE ASSN SERVICE 94.13 03669 MOLO OIL COMPANY DIESEL FUEL 9,934.84 02079 MORELAND, JOHN S MILEAGE REIMB 136.28 04556 MUSSMANN, MARK C MILEAGE REIMB 91.65 03697 MUTUAL WHEEL CO PARTS 1,256.14 07229 MYERS, AMANDA W EXPENSE REIMB 60.00 06881 MYRON GREEN CORP, DBA TREAT AMERICA MEALS 39.06 02156 NEBLUNG, NICHOLAS M MEI SERVICES 168.96 03716 NEWSPAPER HOLDING INC, DBA CLINTON HERALD SUBSCRIPTION/PUBLICATION 2,415.70 00440 O'DONNELL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES/PARTS 205.67 05410 OFFICE MACHINE CONSULTANTS INC COPIER MAINT 79.29 05881 OSARO, ODUAH DANIEL MD STIPEND 500.00 06914 P & K MIDWEST INC SUPPLIES 75.00 02282 PARKER CASSIDY SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 17.99 02287 PATHWAY LIVING CENTER INC RENT SUBSIDY 5,271.00 05820 PAYSEN, HOWARD M ASST RAD OFFICER 60.00 06958 PC MALL GOV INC EQUIPMENT 7,411.30 06462 PENNOCK, ELLIOTT EXPENSE REIMB 69.42 02339 PETERSEN, DR. ERIC S MEI SERVICES 400.00 03933 PHILLIPS 66 CO / GECRB GASOLINE 198.03 02354 PINE HILL CEMETERY ASSN SERVICEMEN'S GRAVE CARE 450.00 06294 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL INC EXTERMINATION 116.58 02401 PREMIER LINEN & DRYCLEANING, INC CLEANING SERVICE 55.39 06635 PREMIER PARTS INC, NAPA PARTS PARTS 875.57 03950 PRESTON READY MIX CORP ROCK 4,332.50 02404 PRESTON TELEPHONE COMPANY SERVICE 93.22 08078 PRESTON VETERINARY CLINIC SERVICES 35.00 02413 PROPERTY MANAGERS INC RENT ASSISTANCE 77.00 03971 QUAD CITY TESTING LABORATORY, INC OUTSIDE SERVICES 575.00 02467 R H A SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT LEASE/REPAIR 129.00 03732 R K DIXON COMPANY/COMMAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER MAINT 34.78 06656 R K DIXON, COMMAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER MAINT 38.00 01800 REED ELSEVIER INC, LEXIS-NEXIS ONLINE SUPPORT 280.00 02553 RIVER CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE 65.00 06208 ROCK, COUNTY OF, SHERIFF'S OFFICE TRANSPORTATION 30.74 05704 ROGIS, DAVID GLEN MEI SERVICES 323.38 02622 SACRED HEART PRESCHOOL SCHOOL READY 200.00 06469 SCHNEIDER CORPORATION, THE SERVICES 1,000.00 07321 SCHULTZ, DOUGLAS D MEI SERVICES 360.00 02708 SECRETARY OF STATE NOTARY RENEWAL 60.00 05625 SIMMONS, BURTON A RAD OFFICER 300.00 07373 ST LUKES HEALTH RESOURCES/UNITYPOINT CLINIC OUTSIDE SERVICES 37.00 05466 STANKEE, CHRISTY MEI SERVICES 180.48 01459 STATE OF IOWA, IA DEPT OF AG & LAND STEW LICENSE 15.00 06378 STORM WATER SUPPLY LLC MATERIALS 2,485.16 04448 SUPERVALU INC, DBA NEW ALBERTSONS INC PROVISIONS/SUPPLIES 129.20 02921 SWANSON SERVICES CORP/TRINITY SERVICES SUPPLIES 416.00 08077 SWANSON, ALLISON L MILEAGE REIMB 19.38 02928 SYSCO IOWA INC PROVISIONS/SUPPLIES 4,440.37 07483 THE PERFECT ANSWER INC SERVICE 83.69 03312 THEISEN'S OF DE WITT INC PARTS 131.98 02964 THILTGEN, DONALD MILEAGE REIMB 15.60 07238 THOMPSON TRUCK & TRAILER/HAWKEYE TRUCKS PARTS/LABOR 7,850.69 06463 TOP TIER II, DBA CEDAR RAPIDS TIRE TIRE CHAINS 2,652.00 07691 TRANSUNION RISK & ALT DATA SOLUTIONS INC SERVICES 5.00 07187 TREASURER STATE OF IOWA REGISTRATION 75.00 06272 TREASURER STATE OF IOWA 2015 4TH QTR TAXES 132.00 03356 TRUCK COUNTRY OF IOWA PARTS 213.29 05824 TWINSTATE TECHNICAL SERVICES, LTD SERVICE/SUPPORT 2,787.85 03043 UNIFORM DEN INC EQUIPMENT 102.60 03049 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORP SERVICE 1,384.70 03064 UNIVERSITY OF IA, STATE HYGIENIC LAB TESTING 320.00 07905 VAN METER INC SUPPLIES 134.16 03465 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES LLC TELEPHONE 1,355.75 05987 WAGNER FAMILY ENTERPRISES/THE TONER PLACE SUPPLIES 75.00 07744 WAGONER, MARYANN J MEI SERVICES 46.08 03139 WALKER, MATTHEW RESERVE PAY 1.00 08081 WEHDE, JOSHUA T MEAL REIMB 65.97 07570 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING COPIER LEASE 1,616.36 03588 WENDLING QUARRIES INC SAND/ROCK 24,681.89 04457 WESTON REPORTING TRANSCRIPTS 15.00 07241 WIEGE PROPERTIES RENT ASSISTANCE 400.00 07535 WIMACTEL INC PAY PHONE 55.00 06495 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS, INC SERVICE 2,416.13 03239 WITT'S SMALL ENGINE CLINIC INC PARTS 73.90 03243 WOLF, MICHAEL L EXPENSE REIMB 235.00 03246 WOMEN'S HEALTH SERVICE SERVICES 5,950.00 05444 YWCA - CLINTON WELLNESS PROGRAM 210.00 03262 YWCA, CLINTON CHILDRENS' CTR. EARLY CHILDHOOD 6,766.87 01108 YWCA, CLINTON, CHILDRENS' CENTER SCHOOL READY 750.00 GRAND TOTAL: 752,155.63 FUND TOTALS RECAP Fund Expended 0001 GENERAL BASIC 111,024.50 0002 GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL 1,552.63 0010 MH-DD SERVICES FUND 18,608.35 0020 SECONDARY ROADS 571,661.83 0021 PIONEER CEMETERY 138.04 0027 COMMISSARY 777.49 4000 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 3,672.46 4010 E911 5,739.32 4100 COUNTY ASSESSOR 2,346.88 4110 CITY ASSESSOR 6,803.71 5120 SCHOOL READY 1,700.00 5121 EARLY CHILDHOOD IOWA 7,217.40 6109 DD 8 MAIN 817.08 8000 ENTERPRISE FUND - ROCK CREEK 136.62 8500 CLINTON COUNTY BENEFIT TRUST 19,959.32 GRAND TOTAL: 752,155.63 The Board of Supervisors adjourned to meet on Tuesday, January 19, 2016. Eric Van Lancker County Auditor Daniel A. Srp Chairperson -APPROVED- Published: January 29, 2016. ---- CLINTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JANUARY 19, 2016 The Board of Supervisors of Clinton County, Iowa, met. Present were Supervisors Srp, Hamerlinck and Staszewski. 2:00 P.M. Budget Presentation/Discussion – Clinton County Engineer 2:30 P.M. Budget Discussion – Previously presented proposed budgets and other budget-related issues - Board of Supervisors The Board of Supervisors adjourned to meet on Monday, January 25, 2016. Eric Van Lancker County Auditor Daniel A. Srp Chairperson -APPROVED- Published: January 29, 2016. ---- CITY OF CLINTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLINTON, IOWA, ON THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF A PROPOSED AMENDED AND RESTATED CLINTON URBAN REVITALIZATION PLAN Public notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Clinton, Iowa, will hold a public hearing on the 9th day of February, 2016, at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 611 South Third Street, Clinton, Iowa, at which meeting the Council proposes to take action on the adoption of an Amended and Restated Clinton Urban Revitalization Plan described therein, under the authority of Chapter 404 of the Code of Iowa, as amended. The purpose of the Amended and Restated Plan is to (a) clarify that the City-wide Housing Revitalization Area includes all property within the corporate limits of the City of Clinton and that future annexed property shall be automatically included within the Area upon the effective date of annexation; (b) clarify that due to the cessation of the Iowa Enterprise Zone Program, two previously identified enterprise zones (Lincoln Way and Central Clinton) are being removed from the Plan Revitalization Areas and two other previously identified enterprise zones (Business Park and Manufacturing Meadows) will remain in the Plan as Commercial/Industrial Revitalization Areas; (c) remove the New Directions Area from the Plan because the desired level of revitalization has been attained (all exemptions previously granted for Qualified Improvements in the New Directions Area shall continue until their expiration); (d) add an exemption schedule (100% for five years) for Qualified Improvements for multi-residential properties within the City-wide Housing Revitalization Area; (e) consolidate and clarify the available exemption schedule (100% for three years) for Qualified Improvements for commercial and industrial properties within the Commercial/Industrial Revitalization Areas; (f) clarify that the Amended and Restated Plan will continue until the related Ordinance or the Plan is amended or repealed by the City Council; (g) clarify/simplify the definition and procedural sections of the Plan; and (h) add a Limitations section to the Plan which articulates how benefits under the Plan interplay with other available governmental incentives. Any persons interested may appear at said meeting of the Council and present evidence for or against the adoption of the Amended and Restated Plan. The proposed Amended and Restated Plan is on file in the office of the City Clerk and available for public inspection or copying during ordinary business hours. This notice is given by order of the City Council of the City of Clinton, Iowa, pursuant to Section 404.2(6) of the Code of Iowa, 2015, as amended. Dated this 29th day of January, 2016 City Clerk of City of Clinton, Iowa Published: January 29, 2016. ---- CITY OF CLINTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice if hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Municipal Transit Administration in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 611 South 3rd Street, Clinton, IA at 7:00 PM on the 8th day, March 2016. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss an application from the Municipal Transit Administration to the Iowa Department of Transportation for financial assistance as follows: The Municipal Transit Administration will request FY17 state transit assistance and federal transit assistance amounting to approximately $221,153 and $601,454 respectively for support of daily operations. The Municipal Transit Administration will request federal transit assistance to support capital purchases. The following projects, if approved, will be on an 80% federal - 20% local basis. Replace vehicle #564 Replace vehicle #9743 92,500 433,000 Replace vehicle #0640 104,500 Replace vehicle #0150 92,500 Replace vehicle #0051 104,500 These projects will not have a significant detrimental effect on the area and no persons or businesses will be displaced by these activities. The projects are in conformance with the Transportation Improvement Program prepared by the East Central Intergovernmental Association - Regional Planning Affiliation. Any interested person or agency is invited to attend this hearing and speak for or against this funding. Written comments will be accepted at the above address through the date and time of the hearing specified above. Pat Van Loo City Clerk Published: January 29, 2016.

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