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(Published in the Stillwater News Press February 6, 2016. 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: CROWN ENERGY COMPANY RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PAYNE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Cause CD No. 201600458 NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA: To American Energy - Woodford, LLC, Ann Miraglio Revocable Trust, Bill McIntyre, Boysville, Inc. of San Antonio, Buffalo Creek Minerals, LLC, C.A. Cubbage, Christy Tatum, Cornelius B. Sheridan, Olga Peters, Bradley C. Sheridan and Christopher F. Sheridan, as Co-Trustees for the Sheridan Family Trust, Dennis O. Cubbage, Jr. and Marie A. Cubbage, Diane M. Armijo, Donald Keith Ethridge, Trustee of the Donald Keith Ethridge and Mary Ann Ethridge Revocable Trust dated March 29, 2001, Earlene Boyles, Edward G. Bryant, Jr., Elizabeth Seibold Non-Generation Skipping Tust, Elizabeth Cooke Schechter and Daniel P. Schechter, Co-Trustees of the Elizabeth Cooke Schechter Trust dated April 28, 1981, Estate of Gordon V. Lillie, deceased, Estate of Richard Michael Bryant, deceased, Estate of Freida Dunkin, deceased, Euel Boyles and Carolyn Boyles, First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, Francis Jayne Bryant, Gary Kent Smith, Geraldine Whitcomb Partnership, LTD, Harry Mark Tucei, Harry L. Jones, II and Linda B. Jones, as trustees of the Harry L. Jones, II, Trust dated August 10th, 1995, Hazel F. Smith, James A. Elkins, Jerry L. Richards, John E. McConnell, John Augustus Bryant Trust Indenture, Joseph C. Tucei, JVS, LLC, Kay Musgrave, Kenneth M. Cubbage and Elena G. Cubbage, Lenox Partners, Marjo Operating Company, Mary Jon Bryan, Mary Elizabeth Shaull, Marybeth Boyanton Trust, Michael Moose Watson and Katrina A. Watson, Michael Gidwitz, II, Mineral Acquisition Partners, Inc., Minnie Yvonne Wilson Revocable Trust dated April 10, 2002, Nick J. Richards, Osprey Resources , P.C. Austin LLC, Phyllis Bernard, Robert C. Simpson, Trustee of the Robert C. Simpson Living Trust, Roy G. Barton Jr., Trustee of the Roy G. Barton Sr. and Opal Barton Revocable Trust, Sherco, an Oklahoma General Partnership, Standard Oil Company, Stephen B. Cubbage, Susan Elaine DeRossette, Susan Elain De Rossette, T.D. Berry Investment Co., Inc., Texinia Corporation, The Estate of Ethel Vivian Smith, deceased, The John Harley Johnson Revocable Trust dated September 16, 2003, The Standard Oil Company, Theodore Violet, Tucei Revocable Living Trust, Tunnel Vision, LLC, Tye Partnership, LTD, William R. Cubbage&Carol Ann Cubbage, Winifred Ann Miraglio, Trustee of the Allen Miraglio Revocable Trust dated September 14, 1991, Befour Oil&Gas Co.,, Buttram Energies, Craigren, LLC, Crystal Energy, Inc., Debbie A. Flowers, Four Oak Energy, LLC, Foxx Family Partnership, Ltd., H&M Exploration, LLC, Jackfork Resources, Inc., James H. VinZant Irrevocable Non-GST Trust, James VinZant, Trustee, Jay M. Horne, Meara Company, Mike&Debbie Flowers, NAN Production Co., LLC, Neil Raymond Goff, Sunset Consulting, Inc., Thomas N. Berry&Company, Total Energy Partners 2014 fund, United Production Co., LLC, VinZant Brothers Trust, Waybo Energy, LLC, Wilbur E. McMurtry, LLC, Betty A. Rogers, Cindy Maze, Clyde McDaniel, Dolly Estey, Dorothy J. De Fever, Edward F. Nicolin, EM Edwards Co., George T. Graham, Harold Robert Pattisson, Joe Manning, John Brady, Larry and Kevin Hollingsmart, Estate of Lena A. McDaniels, Deceased , Louis Ross, Lulu V. Vandervoort, Max R. Grudy, Nell Evans, Normarth Corp., Parks and Luttrell, Inc. , Sheridan Family Trust, Stella Mattz, Sue Trammell Trust, Susan C. Loveless, The Estate of Edith Myrtle Eaton, deceased , Thomas Stephen Trammell Trust, William T. Pitt, all of the above, if living or in existence, and if not living or in existence, then their unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote, and to all persons, owners, producers and takers of oil and gas, and to all other interested persons particularly in Payne County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant is requesting that the Commission issue an Order pooling the interests and adjudicating the rights and equities of the oil and gas owners in the drilling and spacing units described in the caption hereof for the Mississippian common source of supply, all to be upon such terms and conditions as are just and reasonable and which will afford all of such owners the opportunity to recover or receive without unnecessary expense their just and fair share of all hydrocarbon substances produced therefrom, and that the Commission make definite provisions for the payment of all actual costs and expenses, not to exceed reasonable costs and expenses of drilling and development, including a reasonable charge for supervision. Further, the Order will provide that any owner electing an alternative to participation in the well drilled thereunder shall be deemed to have relinquished all of its working interest and right to drill in the unit and common sources of supply named herein as to such well and any wells drilled subsequent thereto to the Applicant. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant is requesting the following special relief: A. That the Commission designate the Applicant or some other owner as Operator. B. At the time of hearing Applicant may request up to one year from the date of the pooling order within which to commence operations for the initial well to be drilled thereunder. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant's attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Cause will be set before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket on the First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at 8:30 a.m. on the 29th day of February, 2016, and that this Notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact either Robert Steinkirchner, Centennial Land Company, 809 East 33rd Street, Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 844-7177, or Roger A. Grove, Suite 1000, 204 North Robinson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, (405) 795-5480. Please refer to the above cause. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY CHAIRMAN DANA L. MURPHY VICE CHAIRMAN J. TODD HIETT COMMISSIONER DONE AND PERFORMED this 3rd day of February, 2016. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION

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