Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma February 7, 2016) IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR MAYES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TOL WAYNE HENDERSON, Deceased. PB-2014-56 NOTICE OF HEARING RETURN OF SALE AND CONFIRMATION OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that, Michael Wade Henderson, the duly appointed and qualified Personal Representative of the Estate of Tol Wayne Henderson, Deceased, has returned and presented for confirmation, and filed in said Court his Return of the sale of the following described real property of said estate in Mayes County, Oklahoma, to-wit: N210’ of S420’ of W210’ of NWNW and Pryor Acreage beg SW corner of NWNW then N210’ - E210’ - N210” -E210’ - S420’ W420’ to POB and N210’ of S630’ of W420’ of SWNWNW all in Section 16, 21N, R19E of IBM containing 6 acres MOL 23 Gaither Road, Pryor, OK 74361 to Mayes County of the sum of $72,600.00 and that February 24, 2016, at 9:30 o’clock A.M. of said day, at the court room of the District Court in the Courthouse in the City of Pryor in said County of Mayes and State aforesaid has been duly appointed by said Court for hearing said Return, at which time any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing to said Return and contest the same, and are hereby referred to said Return for further particulars. s/Judge Shawn S. Taylor JUDGE s/Randy L. Goodman Randy L. Goodman OBA #11091 Randy L. Goodman, P.C. P.O. Box 1218 Nicoma Park, OK 73066 Telephone: 405-769-7990 Fax: 405-769-7970 Email: rgoodman@coxinet.net

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