SURPLUS AUCTION #2016-01 An online auction of Weatherford College surplus property will be held by Lone Star Auctioneers. The auction will begin on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 and close on Friday, February 19, 2016. Items will be available for viewing and bidding on the auctioneers website: www.lonestarauc The College will be auctioning the following: Bench Grinder, Disc Sander, Drill Presses, File Cabinets, Library Books, Metal Book Shelves, Overhead Projectors, Sofa & Chair Sets, Storage Cabinets, Student Desks, Tables, Window Screens, Wood Door as well as other miscellaneous items. For a complete list of instructions or to participate in the online auction, go to www.lonestarauction Additional information may be obtained from Jeanie Hobbs, Director of Purchasing, at (817) 598-6267. Weatherford College reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all auction bids and to waive any technicalities.