CIVIL NO. 01-C-14-40998 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ALLEGANY COUNTY, MARYLAND James E. Clarke Renee Dyson Brian Thomas Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs Vs. Carol Ann Hillegas and Earl F. Hillegas Defendant(s) NOTICE PURSUANT TO MD RULE 14-215(A) ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Allegany County, Maryland, this 04th day of February, 2016, that the foreclosure sale of the property described in the deed of trust docketed herein and located at 20 Campground Road, Cumberland, Maryland 21502 made and reported by James E. Clarke, Renee Dyson, Brian Thomas, Substitute Trustees, be RATIFIED and CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 14th day of December, 2015; provided a copy of this Order be inserted in The Cumberland Times, once in each of three (3) successive weeks before the 07th day of March, 2016. The Report of Sale states the amount of the sale at $79,120.00. BY THE COURT: Dawne D. Lindsey, Clerk of the Circuit Court Adv.: February 9, 16, 23