BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: CORLENA OIL COMPANY RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP CAUSE CD NO. 201600614 20 NORTH, RANGE 18 WEST, WOODWARD COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Woodward County, Oklahoma, and all parties listed as respondents on Exhibit "A", attached to the Application on file herein, and more particularly: TAPSTONE ENERGY, LLC; BILL IRVIN LAND SERVICES, LLC; SPRING ENERGY COMPANY; DEVON ENERGY PRODUCTION COMPANY, LP; PANHANDLE OIL & GAS, INC.; KERR MCGEE CORPORATION; ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORPORATION; MARK A. MERCER; MARILYN R. MERCER NOW THIGPEN; MARSHA ANN CARMAN; KENNETH E. HILL, DECEASED; and LENA FRIENDMAN, if living, or if deceased, the known and unknown heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, successors, trustees and/or assigns, immediate and remote, of the above named parties. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this Cause is requesting that the Commission pool the interests and adjudicate the rights and equities of oil and gas owners in the Mississippian common source of supply underlying Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 18 West, Woodward County, Oklahoma, a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit, and designate the Applicant or some other party as operator. Additionally, the Applicant requests the operator be given an option to request in excess of 180 days in which to commence operations for the drilling of the initial well. Applicant requests the Pooling Order cover an owner's interest in all wells drilled on said unit which are necessary to fully develop the same. IT IS ORDERED that this Cause be referred to an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Merits Docket at the Corporation Commission, First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 8th day of March, 2016, and that this notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant's attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action contact MR. JEFF CHESNUT, Corlena Oil Company, 619 South Tyler, Suite 210, Amarillo, Texas, 79101, (806) 372-5044, or CHARLES L. HELM, Attorney, 105 North Hudson, Suite 700, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73102, (405) 232-9000. Please refer to Cause CD Number. DONE AND PERFORMED this 12th day of February, 2016. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA /s/ Bob Anthony BOB ANTHONY, Chairman /s/ Dana L. Murphy DANA L. MURPHY, Vice Chairman J. Todd Hiett J. TODD HIETT, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/ Peggy Mitchell PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary