Sealed proposals will be received by St. Clair Township of Westmoreland County, P.O. Box 506, 550 Seward St., Seward, PAÊ 15954 until 2:00pm on March 9, 2016 for the 2016-17 year for the following: ITEM 1 ID-2 Patching ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ITEM 2 PA#4 Limestone or Slag Ê ITEM 3 PA2B Limestone or Slag Ê ITEM 4 PA1B Limestone or Slag Ê ITEM 5 ÊPA2A LImestone or Slag ITEM 6 Antiskid 1B Limestone or Slag Ê Envelopes containing bids should be clearly marked BID FOR LIMESTONE OR SLAG.Ê Bids will be opened at the March 9, 2016 meeting.Ê The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Ê ST CLAIR TOWNSHIP by:Ê Lori Smith, Secretary ÊÊÊÊÊÊ February 15, 2016