THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CLINTON COUNTY Probate No. ESPRO18472 NOTICE OF PROOF OF WILL WITHOUT ADMINISTRATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Florence F. Struck, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Florence F. Struck, Deceased, who died on or about November 10th, 2015: You are hereby notified that on the 26th day of January, 2016, the last will and testament of Florence F. Struck, deceased, bearing date of the 23rd day of December, 2013 was admitted to probate in the above named court and there will be no present administration of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter, be forever barred. Dated this 28th day of January, 2016 Shirley A. Darsidan Proponent David M. Pillers ICIS PIN No.: AT0006214 Attorney for estate 1415 11th Street, Ste. A PO Box 435 DeWitt, Iowa 52742 11 day of February, 2016 Published: Feb. 4 & 11, 2016. ---- THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CLINTON COUNTY Probate No. ESPRO18477 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Wayne M. Mommsen, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Wayne M. Mommsen, Deceased, who died on or about January 24, 2016: You are hereby notified that on the 1st day of February, 2016, the last will and testament of Wayne M. Mommsen, deceased, bearing date of the 18th day of February, 1994, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Bonnie L. Paisley was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter, be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 28th day of January, 2016 Bonnie L. Paisley Executor of estate 2313 Tipperary Rd. Aurora, Nebraska 68818 Melissa Burken Mommsen ICIS PIN No: AT0001277 Attorney for executor Attorney At Law, P.C. PO Box 69 Preston, IA 52069 Date of second publication: 18 day of February, 2016 Published: Feb. 11 & 18, 2016 ---- CITY OF CLINTON NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM NOTICE DATE: 1/27/2016 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is proposing to approve an application for reissuance of an MPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit for the discharges described below: DISCHARGER NAME AND ADDRESS: CLINTON CITY OF STP 1901 BEAVER CHANNEL PARKWAY CLINTON, Iowa 52732 LOCATION: Township: 81 Range: 06 Section: 23 County: Clinton DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGES 01 DISCHARGE FROM AN ACTIVATED SLUDGE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RECEIVING STREAM: BEAVER SLOUGH 06 FIRST AVENUE PUMPING STATION COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW RECEIVING STREAM: MISSISSIPPI RIVER 010 20TH AVENUE NORTH PUMPING STATION COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW RECEIVING STREAM: MISSISSIPPI RIVER 012 25TH AVENUE NORTH PUMPING STATION COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW RECEIVING STREAM: MISSISSIPPI RIVER 013 3RD AVENUE SOUTH STORMWATER PUMPING STATION COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW RECEIVING STREAM: MISSISSIPPI RIVER 014 9TH AVENUE NORTH COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW RECEIVING STREAM: JOYCE SLOUGH 015 MARGARET STREET PUMPING STATION COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW RECEIVING STREAM: BEAVER SLOUGH 016 DISCHARGE FROM THE COMBINED SEWER WET WEATHER TREATMENT FACILITY RECEIVING STREAM: BEAVER SLOUGH Stabilized sludge is applied to local land according to state regulations. Anyone wishing to comment on or object to the proposed issuance of this permit must do so in writing within forty-five (45) days of the date shown at the top of this notice. All comments received will be considered in the final determination. If no objections are received within forty-five (45) days, the Department will issue a final permit. You may request the Department hold a public hearing by submitting a written request stating specific reasons why a hearing should be held. Comments, objections, and requests for hearings may be submitted online using the Wastewater Permit Information Exchange system at https://programs. Comments, objections, and requests for hearings may also be addressed to the: Iowa Department of Natural Resources, NPDES Section, 502 East 9th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319. Copies of the proposed permit and other information may be viewed on WWPIE at the web address noted above. This information is also on file and available for public inspection from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday at the above street address. In addition, copies of this information may be requested by calling Ryan Olive at (515) 725-1235 or e-mail at Published: February 11, 2016. ---- THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CLINTON COUNTY Probate No. ESPRO18488 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAY DUONG, Deceased To All Persons Interested in the Estate of DAY DUONG, Deceased, who died on or about January 8, 2016: You are hereby notified that on February 4, 2016, the undersigned was appointed administrator of the estate. Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated February 5, 2016 Mei-Yu Duong Administrator of the Estate 1623 Harrison Drive Clinton, Iowa 52732 Christopher L. Farwell, P.L.C. ICIS PIN No: AT0002349 Farwell & Bruhn Attorney for the Administrator 343 5th Avenue S. Clinton, Iowa 52732 Date of second publication: 18 day of February, 2016 Published: Feb, 11 & 18, 2016. ---- CLINTON COUNTY ATTORNEY JUVENILE NO. JVJV005129 NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE JUVENILE COURT IN AND FOR CLINTON COUNTY, IA IN THE INTERESTS OF: M.B., DOB 4/6/2012 TO SAID: Lexus R. Gregory, mother; and Squatty Burns, or any and all unknown putative fathers of said child, born to mother, Lexus R. Gregory. You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Juvenile Court in the Clinton County Courthouse, Clinton, Iowa, a Petition filed at the direction of the Juvenile Court alleging that said child is in need of assistance pursuant to Iowa Code sections 232.96, as defined by 232.2(6)(b),(c)(2),(n) and (o). The Petitioner's attorney is Cheryl Newport, Assistant County Attorney. You are hereby further notified that the Court has set an Adjudicatory Hearing for February 25, 2016, at 11:00 am on the 2nd floor of the Clinton County Courthouse in Clinton, IA, at which time you are directed to be present. You are further notified of your right to counsel if you desire, but if you are unable to employ counsel, such counsel shall be appointed by the Court, pursuant to section 232.89. Kim R. Hess, Clerk of Court 612 No. 2nd St., Box 2957 Clinton, IA 52733-2957 (563) 243-6213 Dates of second and third publication: February 11 & 16, 2016. Published: Feb. 2, 11 & 16, 2016