Public Notice PUBLISHED IN THE CLAREMORE DAILY PROGRESS, CLAREMORE, OKLAHOMA, FEBRUARY 26, 2016. NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA PLACE: Rogers County Courthouse, Commissioners' Meeting Room, 200 South Lynn Riggs Boulevard, Claremore, OK DATE & TIME: Tuesday, February 16,2016 at 9:00 O'clock A.M. MINUTES ***CONSIDERATION, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON THE FOLLOWING LISTED ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER: Delozier called the meeting to order at 9:04 AM. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL TO ESTABLISH QUORUM: Determine that Notice of Meeting and Agenda were properly posted in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Chairman Dan Delozier and Commissioner Ron Burrows were present and quorum established and determined that Notice of Meeting and Agenda were properly posted in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. ITEM 3: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Burrows led the flag salute and pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. ITEM 4: INVOCATION: County Clerk Robin Anderson led a prayer. ITEMS: APPROVE/DISAPPROVE MINUTES: February 8, 2016 Regular Meeting -Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. ITEM 6: NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action with respect to any other matters not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to posting of the agenda -None presented. ITEM 7: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ms. Anderson stated that both commissioners would be gone on the scheduled May 23, 2016 meeting. The rescheduled meeting will be Friday, May 20, 2016 at 9:00 AM. Ms. Anderson added she will announce this from time to time to keep the public informed. ***NOTE*** At this time, DeLozier moved to Item 9. ITEM 8: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Discussion and possible action regarding a Resolution Stating Findings of Fact Regarding the Status of Southaven Road as a Continuation or Connecting Link in the County Highway System ***NOTE*** This item was tabled from 2-8-2016 - 2. Discussion and possible action regarding an Interlocal Contract for Governmental Services between the Board of County Commissioners of Rogers County and the City of Claremore for the Improvement of Southaven Road ***NOTE*** This item was tabled from 2-8-2016 Upon returning to this item, Delozier made a motion to table Item 8: 1-2 for one week. Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. ITEM 9: ZONING: None presented. ITEM 10: PLATS: None presented. ITEM 11: ROADS & BRIDGES: 1. Discussion and possible action regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between Rogers County and the Muscogee (Creek) Nation regarding S4240 Road in District 3 -Burrows stated this was the process to getting this road on their inventory. Burrows made a motion to approve and Delozier seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. ITEM 12: CASH FUND ESTIMATE OF NEEDS & REQUEST FOR APPROPRlATIONS: None presented. ITEM 13: TRANSFER OF FUNDS: 1. 81T-200 M&O to 84T-200 M&O, $6,000.00 2. 82T-200 M&O to 84T-200 M&O, $6,000.00 3. 83T-200 M&O to 84T-200 M&O, $6,000.00 Delozier stated our sign man needed to order sign posts and anchors and each district helps pay for it. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -ayc. Motion carried. ITEM 14: UTILITY PERMITS: 1. RWD #3 Rogers County -To - bore cross County Highway or Local Road EW 486 Rd. approximately 0.05 miles north of EW 4080 Rd & west 486 Junction and further described as 2,035 feet north then 250 feet west of the southeast comer of Section 7 Township 21 Range15 Rogers County. -District 2 -Planning Commission Director Larry Curtis stated he recommended approval. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. 2. RWD #3 Rogers County -To -bore cross County Highway or local Road EW 390 approximately 0.86 miles west of NS 4180 & EW 390 Junction and further described as: 4,540 feet west of the southeast comer of Section 23 Township 23 Range 16 Rogers County. District 1 -Curtis recommended approval. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. ITEM 15: CLAIMS: 1. Salaries -None presented. 2. Attendant Care -None presented. ITEM 16: BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS: 1. Material, Supplies, Parts, Groceries & Prescriptions o Jail to Performance Food Group, $13,000.00 Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: DeLozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. 2. Orders Exceeding Amount of Issuance -PO #5858 to Bruckner Truck Sales exceeded the encumbered amount by $4,088.55 bringing the total payment to $9,088.55 (District 2) District 2 Foreman Benny King stated this is one of the trucks they are sending to auction and one of the reasons they want to get rid of it. King stated once the truck was worked on, additional repairs were needed. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Ron Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. ITEM 17: GRANTS: 1. Discussion and possible action regarding authorization for Chairman to submit a monthly drawdown request in the amount of $30,000 for 15962 CDBG 14 (Tacora Plant Phase I Project) -Andy Armstrong stated this was the 4th draw and recommended approval. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. 2. Discussion and possible action to approve proposal by LandPlan Consultants Incorporated to assist Rogers County in efforts needed to prepare a Transportation Alternative Program grant application -District 3 -Curtis stated this grant was only available for alternative transportation. Curtis met with several communities about a month ago to communicate the application process and to see what each community was going to do. There was discussion on our plan and the plans of other communities. Delozier asked if Verdigris was involved and Curtis stated he had spoken with the engineer at Verdigris and at this time, they aren't pursuing the program. Lepak stated it appears the County is liable to pay even if we do not get the grant. Lepak added that it's not a reason to not approve it but wanted to make the Board aware. There was discussion about the money that is available. Our application will be reviewed by INCOG rather than Grand Gateway. Curtis added it was a goal stated in the State of the County address that we would be looking at a trails program for the County. There was discussion about paying for this out of T-Highway. Burrows made a motion to approve and Delozier seconded. Roll Call: Delozier-aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. ***NOTE*** At this time, Delozier moved to Item 8: 1-2. ITEM 18: AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Discussion and possible action regarding an update by Treasurer Jason Carini on the supplemental tax statements for the Northwest and Tri Fire Districts -Carini stated the statements were mailed out Friday, February 12th. Discussion only. No action taken. 2. Discussion with possible action regarding the purchase of real property for expansion of Rogers County District #1 -Legal Description: Lot 14 in Block 2 of Chelsea Industrial/Business Park, an Addition to the Town of Chelsea, Rogers County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat thereof. AND A part of Lot 15 in Block 2 of Chelsea Industrial/Business Park, an Addition to the Town of Chelsea, Rogers County, Oklahoma according to the recorded Plat thereof, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot 15; thence N 32°31 ' 28" E along the Westerly line thereof, a distance of 5.4 feet; thence S 65°16' 38" E a distance of 35.60 feet; thence S 64°44'27" E a distance of 140.28 feet; thence S 67°31 '53" E a distance of 390.72 feet; thence S 65°42'07" E a distance of 96.66 feet; thence S 47°18'40" E a distance of 17.47 feet to a point on the Easterly line of said Lot 15; thence S 34°21'20" W along said Easterly line a distance of 107.0 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence N 57°28'32" W along the Southerly line of said Lot 15, a distance of 668.59 feet to the Point of Beginning Delozier stated 5.25 acres have become available for $2,000.00/acre. This will expand District 1 property. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. 3. Discussion with possible action regarding the appointment of Mark McClurg to the Rogers County Fair Board -Delozier stated McClurg was out of town on business at the time to sign up. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. 4. Discussion with possible action regarding the appointments to a committee to study jail overcrowding -Delozier made a motion to table Item 18:4 for one week and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. 5. Review the following bids before they're let: o Bid #18A -Concrete (6 Month Bid) Purchasing Agent Megan Jackson stated there was currently a six month concrete bid but this particular item was not on it. This bid will be firm until June 30, 2016 and then be placed on the original six month bid with the other items -making one concrete bid. Delozier stated ODOT has a mix design for the High Early concrete and would like the concrete to be per those specifications. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. o Bid #27 -Rebar (6 Month Bid) -Ms. Jackson stated this would be firm until June 30, 2016 and then be bid with the other 6 month bids. Delozier asked that specific sizes be added. Delozier made a motion to approve and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. 6. Discussion and possible action to enter Executive Session pursuant to Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 25, § 307 (8) (1) for the purpose of: Discussing the employment, terms of employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of any individual salaried public officer or employee: to-wit Larry Curtis -Planning Commission Director -Lepak stated it was his recommendation to enter Executive Session. Delozier made a motion to enter Executive Session and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried al 9:35 AM. 7. Motion and vote to Adjourn Executive Session and enter Regular Session -Burrows made a motion to adjourn executive session and enter Regular Session and Delozier seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried at 11:13 AM. 8. Discussion and possible action regarding Executive Session item: to-wit Larry Curtis, Planning Commission Director -Delozier stated they would look at some other items and there is no action taken. ITEM 19: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: None presented. ITEM 20: PUBLIC COMMENTS AND RESPONSES FROM BOARD MEMBERS: Limited to specific items on the Agenda that are listed and discussed at this meeting and limited in duration at the discretion of the Chairman -None presented. ITEM 21: PAYMENT OF PURCHASE ORDERS FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS: (Materials, Supplies, Parts, Groceries & Prescriptions) Burrows made a motion to approve and Delozier seconded. Roll Call: DeLozier-aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried. ITEM 22: RECESS OR AD,IOURNMENT: Delozier made a motion to adjourn and Burrows seconded. Roll Call: Delozier -aye, Burrows -aye. Motion carried at 11 :27 AM. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA s/ Dan Delozier Chairman Dan Delozier s/ Ron Burrows Commissioner Ron Burrows (Seal) By: s/ Robin Anderson Robin Anderson, Rogers County Clerk Notice of said meeting was filed in the Office of the County Clerk on Thursday, February 11, 2016, at p.m. and posted in the public display case near the front door entrance to the courthouse and on the county website. All items to be submitted for the agenda must be original documents and must be in the County Clerk's office by 12:00 p.m. on Thursday before the scheduled meeting on Monday.