NOTICE OF PLANNED IMPROVEMENT Des. No. 1400802 Vermillion County Commissioners are developing plans for the Vermillion Co. Bridge No. 80 Replacement project in Eugene Township, Vermillion County, Indiana. The project will use federal and local funds. The purpose of the project is to improve the crossing over Whippoorwill Branch. The need arises due to the structural deficiencies of the existing bridge; the flanges of the channel beams are cracking in several places, and the steel encased concrete piles are rusting. The concrete slope wall under the south span is undermined, and the eastern portion has washed away. The project proposes replacement of Vermillion County Bridge No. 80, an existing three span precast concrete channel beam structure constructed in 1970. The bridge carries State Line Road (also known as CR 325 W/CR 2150 E) over Whippoorwill Branch and is located on the Indiana/Illinois state line. State Line Road (also known as CR 325 W/CR 2150 E) is classified as a local road. The project length is approximately 280.5 linear feet and includes Vermillion Co. Bridge No. 80 and bridge approaches. The northern construction limit extends past the driveway adjacent to the bridge on the west (Illinois) side of the roadway and includes installation of a guardrail. A drainage pipe will be installed under the driveway in the northwest quadrant of the bridge, parallel to the roadway; the purpose of this pipe is to convey storm water runoff under the driveway. The replacement bridge structure will be a single span, pre-stressed concrete I-beam bridge 65'-0" in length, with a clear roadway width of 26'-0". The out-to-out coping width will be 26'-6" with 13'3" travel lanes. Riprap will be placed under the bridge on the spill slopes, extending from the end bents to the toe of slope. This project will require the acquisition of approximately 0.65 acre of permanent right-of-way from adjacent property owners for the project. The project will not require the relocations of any businesses or residents. No wetlands will be affected by the project. The proposed maintenance of traffic plan proposes closure of State Line Road (also known as CR 325 W/CR 2150 E) with appropriate road closure signs and barricades. The proposed action does not impact items listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The Federal Highway Administration has issued a "No Historic Properties Affected" Finding for the project, due to the fact that there are no historic properties eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places within the area of potential effect of the project. In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act, the views of the public are being sought regarding the effect of the proposed project on the historic elements as per 36 CFR 800.2(d), 800.3(e) and 800.6(a)(4). Pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6(a)(4), the documentation specified in 36 CFR 800.11(d) is available for inspection at the address listed below. This documentation serves as the basis for the Federal Highway Administration's " No Historic Properties Affected" finding. The views of the public on this finding are being sought. Please reply to the contacts listed below. Please reply no later than March 31, 2016. The Categorical Exclusion (CE) environmental document describing the proposed project and potential impacts to environmental, social, and cultural resources can be viewed at the following locations during normal business hours: Vermillion County, Indiana Auditor's Office, 255 S. Main St., Newport, IN 47966 Vermilion County, Illinois Engineer's Office, 2732 Batestown Road, Oakwood, IL 61858 Green 3 LLC, 1104 Prospect Street, Indianapolis IN 46203; 317-634-4110 Contact: All interested persons may request a public hearing or express their concerns by submitting comments to Green3 LLC or the Vermillion County Auditor's Office at the addresses and phone numbers above. All comments must be received by March 31, 2016. If a hearing is determined to be in the best interest of the public, a notice will be advertised with the date, time, and place. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you have a disability for which Vermillion County Commissioners need to provide accessibility to the documents, please contact Phyllis Orman at the Vermillion County, Indiana Auditor's Office at 765-492-5300 or This notice is published in compliance with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Section 771 (CFR 771.111(h)(1) which states: "Each State must have procedures approved by the FHWA to carry out a public involvement/public hearing program." 23 CFR 450.212(a)(7) states: "Public involvement procedures shall provide for periodic review of the effectiveness of the public involvement process to ensure that the process provides full and open access to all and revision of the process as necessary." Approved by the Federal Highway Administration, US Department of Transportation on August 16, 2012. 154633 TS 2/29, 3/7/16 hspaxlp