Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF IOWA IN AND FOR MAHASKA COUNTY Probate No. ESPR033979 DEMAND FOR DEED WANETA I. MERRICK ESTATE Petitioner FLOYD E.&HELEN L. MYERS, their heirs, assigns, or successors in interest, Respondent. TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPONDENTS: COMES NOW, John David Merrick, Executor, and states: 1. THAT Floyd E. Myers and Helen L. Myers, husband and wife, vendors, sold the following real estate, legally described as: The West 48 feet of Lot Seven and the East 12 feet of Lot Six in Block Ten of the Original Plat of the Town of Fremont, Iowa. to Waneta I. Merrick ( vendee) on contract. The contract is dated November 12, 2002 and filed November 18, 2002 in Book 503, page 204, Mahaska County RecorderÕs Office; 2. That Waneta I. Merrick paid of the contract in full, but no warranty deed was filed herein; 3. That the Waneta I. Merrick Estate is in possession of the property; 4. That John David Merrick, as Executor of the Waneta I. Merrick Estate, demands that Floyd E. Myers and Helen L. Myers give him a Warranty Deed to the property, pursuant to the contract; 5. Further, Òif a deed is not provided within forty-five days of service and an action to foreclose or forfeit the contract has not been commenced within said forty-five day period, the vendee may file an affidavit showing service and compliance with this subsection whereupon the auditor shall correct the county records as provided in Section 558.67 to indicate that the rights of the vendor have vested in the vendee. TAKE NOTICE AND GOVERN YOURSELVES ACCORDINGLY. John David Merrick 790 Parkside Tr. Marietta, Georgia 30064 Executor of Estate

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