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STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF CULLMAN NOTICE is hereby given that a bill substantially as follows will be introduced in the current special session of the Legislature of Alabama or any other special session in 2015, and application for its passage and enactment will be made: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to Cullman County; to provide for the composition of the Cullman County Commission; to provide for the chair to be elected countywide; to provide for four associate commissioners to be elected from single-member districts; to provide for the salary and expenses of the chair and members of the commission; to provide for the establishment of districts; and to otherwise provide for the implementation of this act. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. (a) Effective after the general election in 2016, the Cullman County Commission shall be composed of the chair of the commission who shall be elected countywide and four associate commissioners elected from single-member districts as further provided herein. (b) The Chair of the Cullman County Commission shall be elected at the general election in 2016 and shall serve a term of four years. The chair shall serve on a full-time basis and shall receive a salary of sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000) per year. (c) The two associate commissioners serving on the effective date of this act shall continue to serve the remainder of their terms. Successors to these two associate commissioners shall be elected at the general election in 2018, and every four years thereafter. (d) Two additional associate commissioners shall be elected at the general election in 2016, and every four years thereafter. (e) As soon as practicable after the effective date of this act, the county commission shall divide the county into four commission districts for the election of county commissioners at the 2016 general election and thereafter. The commission districts shall be substantially similar in population with any deviation between districts not to exceed the deviation permitted by law. In the event the boundaries of the districts are not established for the election in 2016 at least two months prior to the beginning of qualification for election prior to the first primary in 2016, the judge of probate shall divide the county into districts for the 2016 election. After each federal decennial census, the county commission shall reapportion the districts for the election of associate commissioners. (f) Commencing after the general election in 2016, the associate members of the county commission shall serve on a part-time basis. (g) Associate commissioners elected after the effective date of this act shall receive a salary of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) per year. The two associate commissioners serving on the effective date of this act shall continue to receive the salary they are receiving on the effective date of this act until the end of their terms. (h) Associate commissioners of the county commission elected after the effective date of this act shall be entitled to additional expense reimbursement for official travel in the performance of their duties within the county at the same rate as authorized for travel by state employees based on a detailed itemized expense accounting of any travel filed with any request for reimbursement. (i) The salary and expense allowance provided by this act shall be the sole compensation provided to the chair and associate commissioners in lieu of any other salary or expense allowance otherwise provided by law other than expenses provided for travel outside of the county or official business of the county. Section 2. All laws or parts of laws which conflict with this act are repealed. Section 3. This act shall become effective immediately following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law. July 18, 25, August 1 and 2 2015

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