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(Published in The Norman Transcript July 29, August 5, 12, 2015, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CLEVELAND COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA TRECA MCCRACKEN and ROY THOMAS MCCRACKEN, wife and husband Plaintiffs, vs. JAY FIELDS, and the Unknown Spouse, if any, of JAY FIELDS, if living, and if dead, their Unknown Successors, Devisees and Assigns Defendants, CV-2015-1239-TS PUBLICATION NOTICE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: JAY FIELDS, and the Unknown Spouse, if any, of JAY FIELDS, if living, and if dead, their Unknown Successors, Devisees and Assigns. You are hereby notified that an action has been filed in the District Court in and for Cleveland County, State of Oklahoma, in Case No. CV-2015-1239-TS, styled “TRECA MCCRACKEN AND ROY THOMAS MCCRACKEN, wife and husband, Plaintiffs, vs. JAY FIELDS, and the Unknown Spouse, if any, of JAY FIELDS, if living, and if dead, their Unknown Successors, Devisees and Assigns, Defendants”, alleging that Plaintiffs are the owners of the fee simple title to, and are in the actual, open, quiet, peaceful possession of the following described premises situated in Cleveland County, Oklahoma, to-wit: A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Eight (8) North, Range One (1) East of the Indian Meridian, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Said Section 20; thence South 89º59’40” East for a distance of 2225.00 ft. to the point or place of beginning; thence North 00º07’19” West for a distance of 362.08 ft.; thence South 89º20’21” East for a distance of 128.47 ft.; thence South 02º18’21” West for a distance of 360.90 ft. to a point on the South line of said Southwest Quarter, said point being 309.16 ft. West of the Southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence North 89º59’40” West and along said South line for a distance of 113.17 ft. to the point or place of beginning. and acquired their interest thereto by County Treasurer’s Resale Deed dated June 8, 2015 and recorded in Book 5432, Page 248 in the records of the County Clerk of Cleveland County, Oklahoma. Said plaintiffs’ Petition alleges that you claim some right, title, lien, estate, encumbrance, claim, assessment or interest the above-described real property, adverse to the Plaintiffs, which constitutes a cloud upon the title of Plaintiffs real property; and that you have no right, title, lien, estate, encumbrance, claim, assessment or interest, either in law or in equity, in and to the real property. You are hereby notified that you have been sued and must answer the Petition filed by the Plaintiffs on or before the 18th day of September, 2015, or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered against you, adjudging that you have no right, title, lien, estate, encumbrance, claim, assessment or interest, either in law or in equity, in and to said real property and a decree quieting title on said real property will be entered in favor of Plaintiffs. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND and seal this 27 day of July, 2015. RHONDA HALL, COURT CLERK CLEVELAND COUNTY, OKLAHOMA BY: Reba Hamilton Deputy (SEAL) Blake T. Deen, OBA #31832 Deen & Garretson Law, PLLC 500 N. Walker Ave., Suite 105 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-604-6994 Attorney for Plaintiffs

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