Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, Invitations to submit a proposal will be received by the Town of Oneonta for the Securing of the West End Body Shop, 460 Chestnut Street, Town of Oneonta, Otsego County, New York State. Proposals are subject to prevailing wage rates as established under New York State Department of Labor prevailing wage case #2015005825 at www.labor.state.ny.us. The Town of Oneonta is accepting sealed proposals for the securing of 133 South Side Drive (tax map number 300.14-1-20.00). All proposals must be enclosed in a securely sealed envelope with the notation "PROPOSAL- Securing of 133 Southside Drive- TAX MAP NUMBER 300.14-1-20.00". Proposals will be accepted at Town Hall, c/o of Cheryl Shackelton, Town Clerk, P.O. Box A, 3966 State Highway 23, West Oneonta, New York, 13861 until 2:00 p.m. July 6th 2015 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. If a proposal is awarded, work must be completed within 90 days and before October 5, 2015. All proposals must comply with the provisions of the General Municipal Law and all other applicable laws. The Town of Oneonta reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The information for PROPOSERS, Form of proposal, Form of contract, Plan, Specifications, Forms of Proposal Bond, Forms of Performance and Payment/ Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, 3966 St. Hwy 23, West Oneonta, NY 13861, Mon- Fir., 8:30 am - 3 pm.. If successful, a "Performance Bond" will be provided within ten (10) days after notification of award. The performance bond will be equal to 100% of project cost. Proposers are advised not to rely on next day mail services. Proposals must be in the office of the Town Clerk no later than the above specified date and time. Neither faxes nor electronic transmissions will be accepted. Attention of PROPOSERS is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and NYS prevailing wage rates to be paid under contract. No proposer may withdraw his/her proposal within 30 days after the actual date of the opening. All proposals submitted shall be valid for a 120 day period from the date of the opening. All proposers must comply with the provisions of the General Municipal Law and all other applicable laws.. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. ROBERT T. WOOD, SUPERVISOR TOWN OF ONEONTA OTSEGO COUNTY, NEW YORK This project is implemented for the health and safety of the residents of the Town of Oneonta.

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