Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma September 20, 2015) September 8, 2015 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Ryan Ball, Chairman, Kevin Whiteside and Darrell Yoder, Members, and Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2014, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., September 3, 2015. Ryan Ball called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Ball led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Ball said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the minutes of August 31, 2015. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to table of Gibson Bluff Estates Plat. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve Health Department monthly reports. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Resolution to deposit $31,111.03 to T-2A, received from ODOT for refund for Bridge over Salt Branch Creek in District 1. Ball, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve the following transfers to correct an error: From:   23-9 Social Security     $132.84   23-7 CP OPERS                299.08 To:   T-1A Wages (D-3)          $431.92 Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve Resolution for Project Maintenance, Financing and Right of Way Agreement for Crutchfield Branch in District 3. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve LandMarkGSI contract for the Assessor’s Office. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to table Utility Permit Requests from RWD #5. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the following Utility Permit Request: Judy & Robert Bingham to install a water line by boring under the road at NS437 to connect to RWD #6 located at Section 13 T23N R19E in District 1; Wade Parker to install a 3” casing under E 563 RD for the purpose of a water line casing in Section 22 T20N R20E in District 3. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes.  Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2014-15 GEN-SHERIFF: 2757, BOB BARKER, 2182.52, MED SUPS; GEN: 2758, TAYLOR TECH, 79.55, SUPS. PFA: 112, YORK ELECTRONIC SYS, 9215.00, SERV. 2015-16 GEN-SHERIFF: 426, SCANNER MASTER, 949.50, SCANNER; 427, G&M AUTO & WRECKER, 458.01, SERV; 428, FLEETCOR, 3664.99, FUEL; 429, G&M AUTO & WRECKER, 49.99, SERV; 430, THE SHOP, 10.00, SERV; CO COMM: 431, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 16.00, SERV; AGRI: 432, ROSE, MIKE, 235.75, TRAVEL; 433, HAUENSTEIN, APRIL, 129.38, TRAVEL; 434, GUTHRIE, CONNIE, 178.25, TRAVEL; CO CLERK: 435, KELLPRO, 86.00, SERV; CO ASSESS: 436, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 23.00, SERV; GEN: 437-7.68, 438-569.65, LOCKE SUP, SUPS; 439, OFC EVERYTHING, 74.86, SERV; 440, C&R OIL, 90.37, FUEL; 441, MUB, 20.66, UTILITIES; 442, VERIZON, 80.04, SERV; ELECT BD: 443, JD YOUNG, 85.76, SERV; PHOTO & REC: 444, JD YOUNG, 241.80, SERV; HWY: 445-2472.15, 446-650.01, 447-221.02, 448-91.98, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; 449-3008.56, 450-10535.86, 451-13191.73, 452- 2421.81, 453-2423.73, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; 454, ADVANCED WORKZONE, 255.00, SUPS; 455-2474.83, 456-2958.90, 457-1130.99, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; 458, SO TIRE MART, 215.00, TIRES; 459, ERGON, 14081.10, OIL; 460, DUNHAMS ASPHALT, 2630.88, ASPHALT; 461-4275.10, 462-88.21, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; 463-6867.80, 464-6237.90, TULSA ASPHALT, 6237.90, ASPHALT; 465, COASTAL ENERGY, 17306.80, OIL; 466-84.06, 467-1631.20, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; FREE FAIR: 468, MAYES CO FREE FAIR, 1000.00, AWARDS. T CO HWY: 415, BALL, RYAN, 35.65, TRAVEL; 416, JOHN DEERE, 68.26, SUPS; 417, THE SHOP, 190.00, SERV; 418, SNAPON TOOLS, 1355.00, TOOLS; 419, WINZER, 543.17, SUPS; 420, ABS COMMUN, 54.97, SUPS; 421-31.99, 422-70.32, HAMILL METALS, SUPS; 423, CHOUTEAU PUB WORKS, 49.36, SERV; 424, FAIRPOINT COMMUN, 146.17, SERV; 425, PSO, 334.84, UTILITIES; 426, US CELL, 143.80, SERV; 427, BUILDERS WHOLESALE & HARDWARE SUP, 7.03, SUPS; 428, HAMILL METALS, 54.55, SUPS; 429, LOCKE SUP, 23.43, SUPS; 430, SALINA PUB WORKS, 74.83, SERV; 431, SSTELCO, 132.09, SERV; 432-2982.70, 433-1299.99, 434-2599.98, 435-682.43, 436-1985.86, 437-2240.45, WELCH STATE BANK, LEASE/PMT; 438, CATERPILLAR, 1445.30, PMT; 439, WELCH STATE BANK, 1862.51, PMT. MD: 25, SUPPLYWORKS, 368.98, SUPS; 26, SERVICEMASTER, 825.00, SERV; 27, PPC, 55.00, SERV; 28, TWO FETHERS LAWN SERVICE, 200.00, SERV; 29, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 43.50, SERV. SSFCA: 83, ADVANTAGE TESTING, 40.00, TESTING; 84, SUNDANCE OFC SUP, 235.35, CHAIRS; 85-385.46, 86-37.50, G&M AUTO & WRECKER, SERV; 87, LAKELAND OFC SYS, 316.77, FEE; 88, JD YOUNG, 133.32, SERV. SRCA: 8, OFC EVERYTHING, 20.98, SUPS. CCLF: 4, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 34.00, SERV. TCFA: 6, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 9.00, SERV; 7, LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGE, 50.00, SERV; 8, AT&T, 70.98, SERV; 9, THE PAPER, 35.00, SUB. E911: 42, UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, 29.40, SERV; 43, GRAND LAKE TELEPHONE, 120.20, SERV; 44, SSTELCO, 342.48, SERV; 45, CHOUTEAU TELEPHONE, 164.06, SERV; 46, SSTELCO, 131.90, SERV; 47, ESRI, 400.00, RENEW. MCDCT: 4, ALLEN, TERRY, 2200.00, SERV; 5, BAIN, ASHLEY, 1000.00, SERV; 6, BRAKEFIELD, BRIANA, 1020.00, SERV. PFA: 13, MASTERS HEAT & AIR, 75.00, SERV; 14, LOCKE SUP, 202.64, PARTS; 15, UMB BANK, 87000.00, PMT; 16, MUB, 16361.33, UTILITIES. FF: 90-40.01, 91-60.08, VERIZON, SERV; 92, AT&T, 299.17, SERV; 93, RECTEC, 700.00, LICENSE; 94, SSTELCO, 164.73, SERV; 95, RWD #9, 92.19, SERV; 96, MICHAEL ROGERS & ASOC, 800.00, TRAINING; 97, FIRE PROTECTION PUB, 1095.36, BOOKS; 98, UNIQUELY YOURS, 453.50, UNIFORMS; 99, CHIEF FIRE AND SAFETY, 1420.00, PARTS; 100, BANK OF COMMERCE, 2693.53, LEASE; 101, RWD #5, 20.84, SERV; 102, METRO WASTE, 40.00, SERV; 103, RWD #3, 18.00, SERV; 104, GRAND LAKE TELEPHONE, 65.43, SERV; 105, LAKESIDE BANK, 2506.46, PMT; 106, VERIZON, 69.49, SERV; 107, SSTELCO, 201.55, SERV; 108, LAKESIDE BANK, 1926.80, LEASE; 109-112.81, 110-63.20, SSTELCO, SERV. WE911: 39, UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, 21.80, SERV. STR: 42, BIMBO BAKERIES, 773.80, SUPS; 43, ORCHIDS, 392.28, SUPS; 44, PFG, 10510.30, GROCERIES; 45, STERICYCLE, 121.47, SUPS; 46, ADVANCED MICROBIAL SERV, 250.00, SERV; 47, JD YOUNG, 3.64, SERV. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the claims as submitted. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Commissioners did a walk through and annual inspection of the Mayes County Jail. Since the last inspection they had put up a gate on the South side of the jail in order to keep people out that were trying to sneak stuff in. They had also updated the public restrooms and flooring in the visitation area. Commissioner Yoder noted that it seemed to be a better environment over there. They will be scheduling a PFA meeting to look into some lighting and A/C issues they are having. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to Adjourn. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Approved this September 14, 2015 (SEAL)   BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/RYAN BALL CHAIRMAN S/KEVIN WHITESIDE MEMBER S/DARRELL YODER MEMBER ATTEST:  S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.

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