Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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OSKALOOSA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 21, 2015 The Oskaloosa City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 21, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Krutzfeldt presiding and the following members answering roll call: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates. It was moved by Caligiuri, seconded by Ver Steeg to approve the consent agenda: September 8, 2015 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 21, 2015 Agenda Receive and file the following reports and communications from advisory and operating boards and commission: August 5, 2015 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 14, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes July 28, 2015 Board of Adjustment Minutes Renewal application for a Class C Beer Permit with Wine from Casey's Marketing Company dba Casey's General Store #3214, 413 A Avenue West. Renewal application for a Class E Liquor License with Carryout Beer and Wine from Casey's Marketing Company dba Casey's General Store #3215, 901 South Market Street. Payment to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the amount of $325.00 and an Immigration Attorney Firm in the amount of $1,050.00 to renew the work visa for the Public Works Director. Receive and file financial reports for August 2015. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved. It was moved by Caligiuri, seconded by Ver Steeg to approve the appointment of Adam Haroldson to the Historic Preservation Commission to complete an unexpired term that ends December 31, 2015; and Douglas Shullaw to complete an unexpired term that ends December 31, 2016. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved. Caligiuri introduced Resolution No. 15-09-105 entitled ÒRESOLUTION APPROVING THE OFFICIAL 2015 FISCAL YEAR STREET FINANCE REPORTÓ and moved its approval. Ver Steeg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. Caligiuri introduced Resolution No. 15-09-106 entitled ÒRESOLUTION NAMING DEPOSITORIESÓ and moved its approval. Ver Steeg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. Caligiuri introduced Resolution No. 15-09-107 entitled ÒRESOLUTION GRANTING PRIOR APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR INDUSTRIAL TAX ABATEMENT FOR VALUE ADDED IN THE URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA AT 2102 SOUTH 17TH STREETÓ and moved its approval. Ver Steeg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. Caligiuri introduced Resolution No. 15-09-108 entitled ÒRESOLUTION TO TRANSFER OWNERSHIP AND TITLE TO A 2006 FORD TRUCK TO THE OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICTÓ and moved its approval. Ver Steeg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. Caligiuri introduced Resolution No. 15-09-109 entitled ÒRESOLUTION APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND THE CITY OF OSKALOOSAÓ and moved its approval. Ver Steeg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. The Mayor announced this was the time and place for the public hearing on levying a special assessment against private property for weed cutting by the city and that citizens would now have the opportunity to comment. There were no oral or written comments received. The Mayor declared said hearing closed. Ver Steeg introduced Resolution No. 15-09-110 entitled ÒRESOLUTION LEVYING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGAINST PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR CUTTING AND REMOVAL OF WEEDS BY THE CITY OF OSKALOOSA, IOWA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 8, CHAPTER 8.20 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF OSKALOOSA, IOWAÓ and moved its approval. Moore seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. Ver Steeg introduced Resolution No. 15-09-111 entitled ÒRESOLUTION APPROVING PAYMENT OF $2,914.32 TO MARILYN WOOD FOR COST OF INSTALLATION OF FRONT PORCH RAILING AT 311 NORTH MARKET STREETÓ and moved its approval. Moore seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. Noah Brennecke, Community Living Solutions, addressed City Council regarding the site plan for the Crystal Heights expansion project. It was moved by Jimenez, seconded by Caligiuri to approve a site plan for the Crystal Heights Care Center expansion project located at 1514 High Avenue West subject to stipulations A, B, and C: Landscaping or a barrier will be needed along the parking to restrict motor vehicle headlights reflecting onto residential properties. If the developer can prove to the Fire Department that the existing 6Ó water line will meet the requirements for the proposed hydrant and the existing sprinkler system, then the developer can connect the proposed hydrant to the existing 6Ó water line. If not then the developer will need to provide a separate 6Ó water line to the proposed hydrant. The sidewalks on High Avenue West are not immediately required but could be required to be installed at a future time as determined by the city. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Van Zetten, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. City Council and staff reviewed and discussed the proposed 28E Agreement between Mahaska County Emergency Management Commission and Mahaska County E-911 Service Board. Moore introduced Resolution No. 15-09-112 entitled ÒRESOLUTION APPROVING A 28E AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OSKALOOSA, IOWA AND THE OSKALOOSA MUNICIPAL WATER BOARD OF TRUSTEESÓ and moved its approval. Ver Steeg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Caligiuri, Jimenez, Moore, Ver Steeg, Walling and Yates NAYS: Van Zetten Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted. It was moved by Ver Steeg, seconded by Caligiuri that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. David Krutzfeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Miller, City Clerk

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