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(Published in The Norman Transcript June 17, 2018, 1t) PUBLIC NOTICE Legal Notice for the Delisting of DeBarr Historic District from the National Register of Historic Places The DeBarr Historic District, the boundaries of which are as follows: Beginning at the intersection of W. Duffy Street and the railroad tracks proceed southeast along the rail road tracks to Boyd Street. At this point proceed west along Boyd Street to the alley between Jenkins Avenue and Deans Row Avenue, at this intersection proceed north to the south property line of the lot addressed as 783 Deans Row Avenue which is the third lot from Boyd Street on the west side of the alley. At this point turn west and proceed along the south property line of this lot to Deans Row Avenue, then across Deans Row Avenue to the south property line of the lot located on the west side of Deans Row Avenue that is addressed as 766 Deans Row Avenue to the southwest corner of this lot. At the southwest corner of the lot turn north and proceed north along the rear property lines of property’s facing the west side of Deans Row Avenue to Duffy Street. At this point turn east and proceed to the west property line of the lot addressed as 235 W. Duffy Street, then proceed north to the rear property line of this lot, then turn east and proceed east along the rear property lines for the properties facing W. Duffy Street back to the point of beginning and including all or portions of blocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the plat of State University Addition, and all or portions of blocks 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the plat of Larsh’s University Addition. All of the above property is being considered by the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Review Committee for delisting from the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register is the federal government's official list of historic properties worthy of preservation. Listing in the National Register provides recognition and assists in preserving our Nation's heritage; however, due to the alterations since the date of the DeBarr listing, the district no longer exhibits the characteristics for which it was listed. The Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Review Committee meeting at which the delisting will be considered will be at 1:30pm, July 19, 2018, in the Oklahoma Historical Society Boardroom, 3rd floor, Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City, OK. If you choose to object to the delisting, the notarized objection must be submitted to Dr. Bob Blackburn, State Historic Preservation Officer, no later than July 19, 2018. A copy of the delisting is available for inspection at http://www.okhistory.org/shpo/hprc.htm. If you wish to comment on the delisting of the district to the National Register, please send your comments to Dr. Bob Blackburn, Oklahoma Historical Society, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, before the State Historic Preservation Review Committee considers the nomination at 1:30pm, July 19, 2018, in the OHS Boardroom at 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City. A copy of the delisting request is available by calling 405/521-6249.

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