Notice of Intent DT Retail Properties, LLC (500 Volvo Parkway, Chesapeake, VA 23320) is submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) of their intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5 to discharge stormwater from construction activities associated with the Dollar Tree - Lincolnway East / US #33 project. The project is located at 2323&2357 Lincolnway East in Goshen, Indiana. The project is located in the SW1/4 of 24-36-6, City of Goshen, Elkhart Township, Elkhart County, Indiana. Runoff from the project will infiltrate to groundwater with the ultimate receiving waters being the Horn Ditch, which flows to Rock Run Creek, which flows to the Elkhart River at Goshen. Questions or comments regarding the project should be directed to Justin Jordan c/o Clark, Geer, Latham and Associates, Inc., 3901 Springhill Avenue, Mobile, Alabama 36608. June 26 hspaxlp