In accordance with State of Indiana Self-Service Storage Facility Act (26-3-8-1, etc seq) revised statues. Contents of the following units 5 I, 207, and 610 will be disposed of no sooner than 7/2/18 Almost Country Storage 466 S. 150 W Washington, Indiana 47501 812-486-2974 Jessica Hernandez and Natalie Mundy 466 S. 150 W. Washington, In. 47501 and #207 George Criswell, 123 N. Main St, Montgomery IN 47558 Anyone wishing to redeem their possessions should contact Almost Country Storage at the above address prior to 7/2/18 In order to bring their account current by money order or cash payment. Disposal is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. hspaxlpJune 19&26, 2018