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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE TOWN OF BROWNSBURG BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to I.C. 5-3-1-2, that the Town of Brownsburg Board of Zoning Appeals (the "Board") will conduct a public hearing regarding an application for Case No. BZDV-06-18-1658, a Development Standards Variance from Art. 3, 3.12(A)(1) of the Town of Brownsburg Unified Development Ordinance. The application was filed by Bernard Coleman (the "Applicant") to: to allow Petitioner to construct a new building for Superior Door that is less than two and one-half (2.5) stories in height. The real estate subject to this application is generally described as follows: Part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 16 North, Range 1 East in Hendricks County, Indiana and a part of Out Lot 7 in Watts and Hopkins Addition to the Town of Brownsburg, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of Green Street, 74 feet East and 358 feet 4 inches South of the Center of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11; thence South 75 3/4 degrees East 150 feet; thence South 22 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds West 128 feet 7 inches to the right-of-way line of C.C.C. and St. L. Railroad; thence North with the bearing of the Railroad 150 feet to a point; thence North 17 degrees East 100 feet 10 inches to the point of beginning. Part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 16 North, Range 1 East in Hendricks County, Indiana and a part of Out Lot 7 in Watts and Hopkins Addition to the Town of Brownsburg, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, page 4 in the office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point in the center of Green Street, 74 feet East and 358 feet 4 inches South of the Center of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11; thence East 29 feet 6 inches to the BEGINNING POINT; thence North 17 degrees East 99 feet 10 inches; thence South 75 3/4 degrees East, 243 feet; thence South 125 feet 7 inches; thence Northwesterly to the POINT OF BEGINNING. And more commonly known as: Address(es): 205&213 N. Green Street, Brownsburg, IN 46112 Parcel ID(s): 32-07-11-180-011.000-016; 32-07-11-180-014.000-016&32-07-11-180-015.000-016 The public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the 9th day of July, 2018 at the Town Hall, Council Meeting Room, 61 N. Green Street, Brownsburg, Indiana 46112 where all interested parties will be given an opportunity to testify regarding the proposal. The application and file on this matter is available for examination at the Department of Development Services, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, exclusive of legal holidays, at the above address. Written objections must be filed with the Department of Development Services by the date of the hearing to be considered by the Board. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2018. Andrew P. Kult, Attorney for Petitioner HCF-492 June 27 hspaxlp

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