NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HENDRICKS COUNTY AREA PLAN COMMISSION Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held by the Hendricks County Area Plan Commission on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. in the Hendricks County Government Center, 355 South Washington Street, Danville Indiana in Meeting Rooms 4 and 5, to consider the application MAP 739/18 (PUD 36): SONORA (PRIMARY); a 274-lot major residential subdivision/planned unit development; 129.05 acres, Brown Township, S05-T16N-R2E, key nos. 01-3-05-62E-200-011, 200-014, 200-015, 200-016, 200-017; and WA 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297/18: Waivers of the Subdivision Control Ordinance for 6.04.09 Driveway Separations, 6.04.08 Straight Street, 6.03.29 Cul-de-Sac Length, 6.03.24 Reverse Curves, 6.03.23 Horizontal Curves, and 6.03.12 Permanent Cul-de-Sacs; located west of Raceway Road, between County Road 650 North and County Road 700 North. Interested persons may appear and be heard at this public hearing. A hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. A copy of this application, legal description and all plans pertaining thereto are on file and available for examination prior to the hearing in the office of the Planning and Building Department in the Government Center, 355 South Washington Street, Danville Indiana 46122, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Written comments to a proposal may be filed with the Secretary of the Area Plan Commission within ten (10) days after this publication at the above address and such comments will be considered. For special accommodations needed by handicapped individuals planning to attend, please call the secretary of the Hendricks County Area Plan Commission at (317) 745-9254 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing. HENDRICKS COUNTY AREA PLAN COMMISSION Tim Dombrosky, Secretary HCF-485 June 27 hspaxlp