Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AVON TOWN COUNCIL Pursuant to Indiana Code 36-4-3-2.2 the Town of Avon gives notice of a public hearing to be conducted by the Avon Town Council on the proposed annexation into the Town of Avon of a certain property located on the north side of US Hwy 36 and between the Gable Crossing Drive and Glenbrook Lane area of Washington Township, Hendricks County, Indiana. This public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. Thursday July 26, 2018 at the Avon Town Hall located at 6570 E US Highway 36, Avon, IN 46123. All interested persons are welcome to attend this public hearing and to testify on the matter of the proposed annexation. This parcel of real estate may be commonly identified as the parcel located at 9870 East Hwy 36. A fiscal plan has been prepared for this annexation, which may be inspected and copied at the Avon Town Hall in the Town Managers office. These parcels of real estate are being more particularly described as follows: AVON 2018 ANNEXATION HARVEST BIBLE CHAPEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Six (6), Township Fifteen (15) North, Range Two (2) East, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is Twelve and Eighty-Four Hundredths (12.84) chains west of the Southeast corner of said Section and run thence west Two and Thirty-One Hundredths (2.31) chains; run thence north Twenty-One and Ninety-Eight Hundredths (21.98) chains; thence run east Two and Thirty-One Hundredths (2.31) chains; thence run south Twenty-One and Ninety-Eight Hundredths (21.98) chains to the place of beginning, containing Five and Eight Hundredths (5.08) acres, more or less. Together with: A part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 15 North, Range 2 East of the Second Principal Meridian located in Washington Township, Hendricks County, Indiana and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southeast corner of said quarter section; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds West on and along the south line of said quarter section 20.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 43 minutes 16 seconds West 97.66 feet to the southeast corner of Glenbrook, Section One as recorded in Plat Book 10, page 93 in the office of the Hendricks County Recorder; thence South 87 degrees 58 minutes 04 seconds West on and along the south line of Glenbrook, Section One 500.86 feet; thence South 88 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds West on and along said south line 178.79 feet to the south west corner of Glenbrook, Section One; thence North 00 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds West on and along the west line of Glenbrook, Section One 1388.42 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 57, Glenbrook, Section Two as recorded in Plat Book 10, page 174 in the office of the Hendricks County Recorder; thence South 87 degrees 33 minutes 22 seconds West on and along the south line of said Lot 57, 147.89 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence continue South 87 degrees 33 minutes 22 seconds West on and along said south line 147.65 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 57; thence South 00 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds East 29.17 feet; thence North 88 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds East 147.56 feet; thence North 00 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds West 30.94 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.10 acre, more or less. Together with: A part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 15 North of Range 2 East bounded as follows: Beginning at a point which is 10.60 chains west of the southeast corner of said section and run thence West 2.24 chains; thence run North 21.98 chains; thence run East 2.24 chains; thence run South 21.98 chains to the place of beginning containing 4.92 acres, more or less. Except: A part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 15 North, Range 2 East, Hendricks County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said section; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds West 699.60 feet along the south line of said section to the southeast corner of the owners' land; thence North 0 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West 46.05 feet along the east line of the owners' land to the point of beginning of this description, which point is on the north boundary of U.S.R. 36 (also known as the Rockville Road and as the Ernie Pyle Memorial Highway), thence South 88 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds West 147.84 feet along said north boundary to the west line of the owners' land; thence North 0 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West 49.01 feet along said west line; thence North 88 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds East 147.84 feet to the east line of the owners' land; thence South 0 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds East 49.01 feet along said east line to the point of beginning and containing 0.166 acres, more or less. Also except: A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 15 North, Range 2 East of the Second Principal Meridian situated in Washington Township, Hendricks County, Indiana and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said southeast quarter; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds West on and along the south line of said section 699.79 feet; thence North 00 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds West 915.28 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence South 89 degrees 23 minutes 37 seconds west 147.81 feet; thence North 00 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds West 563.47 feet to a point in the south line of Lot 57 of Glenbrook, Section Two, a subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 10 page 174 in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, Indiana; thence North 87 degrees 33 minutes 22 seconds East on and along the last said south line, 147.89 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 57; thence South 00 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds East 568.21 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.92 acres, more or less. For further information contact Avon Town Manager Tom Klein at (317) 272-0948. HCF-498 July 4 hspaxlp

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