NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION #2018-12C AUTHORIZING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OF BANYAN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC FOR TAX ABATEMENT Notice is hereby given by the Town of Brownsburg that the Town Council has heretofore adopted Resolution #2018-12C whereby it took final action and: (i) confirmed Resolution #2018-12 that the qualifications for an economic revitalization area have been met by the real property referenced in Resolution #2018-12, (ii) authorized a tax abatement for a period not to exceed four (4) years on the real property referenced in Resolution #2018-12. Resolution #2018-12C was adopted at the regular meeting of the Town Council held on May 10, 2018. A copy of Resolution #2018-12C is on file and may be studied at the office of the Town Manager, 61 N. Green St., Brownsburg, IN 46112 during regular office hours and at the office of the Hendricks County Auditor, 355 S. Washington St., Danville, IN 46122 during regular business hours. HCF-509 July 7 hspaxlp