NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO CONSTRUCT AND FINANCE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE JAMESTOWN SEWAGE WORKS AND THE ADOPTION AND PURPORT OF THE ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SAME Property owners, ratepayers and other interested parties in or served or to be served by the sewage works of the Town of Jamestown, Indiana ("Town") are hereby notified that on July 3, 2018, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 2018-7 ("Ordinance"), thereby determining to construct additions and improvements to the Town's sewage works consisting of: Replacement of the existing dry pit lift station with a new submersible pump lift station. The lift station work includes demolition of the existing lift station, new influent sewer and manholes, lift station wet well and valve vault, as well as screening and grinding equipment. All associated piping, electrical and controls are also included as part of the project. Replacement of portions of the existing sequencing batch reactor equipment including the decanter assemblies, level sensors and air diffuser piping as well as the addition of dissolved oxygen sensors. The sequencing batch reactor work also includes upgrades to the control system. Installation of an ultraviolet disinfection system to replace the existing chlorination/dechlorination disinfection system. Replacement of the existing post aeration/digester blowers with new fully enclosed blowers. Installation of a submersible sludge pump in the existing digester. New polymer mixing system for sludge dewatering including repurposing the existing dechlorination building to house the new polymer system and associated sludge piping. Abandonment of the existing sludge bagging and polymer mixing system. Associated electrical, controls, piping, demolition and site work. The total estimated cost of the project is $1,710,000. The Ordinance further directed that a portion of the cost of the project be financed by the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $1,710,000 which bonds will be payable solely from the net revenues of the sewage works. The bonds will be sold at a private sale to the Indiana Finance Authority, at an interest rate not to exceed 4% per annum, and will mature semiannually over a period ending no later than July 1, 2044. Copies of the plans, specifications, cost estimates and of the Ordinance are on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and are available for inspection by any interested parties during regular business hours. Objections to said project and the bonds may be filed in the time and manner provided by Indiana Code, Title 36, Article 9, Chapter 23. Dated this 25th day of July, 2018. /s/ Katie Conyer, Clerk-Treasurer Town of Jamestown, Indiana TLR-419 July 11 hspaxlp