NOTICE OF INTENT As required by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and 327 lAC 15-5-5 (9), Tyson Fresh Meats located at 2125 S. CR 125 W Logansport, IN 46947 is applying for a Storm Water Construction Permit through the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The work will be completed at the Tyson Fresh Meats facility under the project name of Parking Lot Expansion. The project address is the same as the facility. This project will not change the storm water receiving stream but rather change the grading on how the storm water will flow to an un-named creek that is located on the facility property that then discharges to the Wabash River. This notice of intent serves as public notice as required by 327 lAC 15-5-5. For questions, please contact Bryan Foley, Tyson Complex Environmental Manager, at (574) 722-8677. L-242 July 11 hspaxlp