PUBLIC NOTICE Palo Pinto County is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of the following items: Motor Fuel Asphalt Road Base Material Please contact Mike Pierce at (254) 631-2041 for any questions. All bids must be sealed, clearly marked and submitted directly by the bidder to the County Judges Office, 1st floor of the Palo Pinto County Courthouse located in Palo Pinto, TX, or mailed to P.O. Box 190, Palo Pinto, TX 76484. No Faxed bids will be accepted. All sealed bids must be received in the County Judges Office by noon on Thursday, November 19, 2015. Bids will be opened during the Regular Session of the Palo Pinto County Commissioners Court on November 23, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. in the County Courtroom of the Palo Pinto County Courthouse. Consideration for award of bid will be made December 14, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. in the County Courtroom of the Palo Pinto County Courthouse located at 520 Oak Street in Palo Pinto, Texas 76484. PALO PINTO COUNTY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS.