Channel: Tribune Democrat: Announcements
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(Published in The Norman Transcript November 22, 2015, 1t) In The District Court Of Cleveland County State Of Oklahoma In The Matter of the Guardianship of: B. Koehler, B. Koehler, B. Koehler Minor Children PG-2015-331 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN You are hereby notified that Terry Geissler and Deana Geissler have petitioned this Court to be appointed as the guardians of the person of the above named children. You are further notified that said Petition shall be heard in the courtroom of the Honorable Jequita H. Napoli, Special Judge, of the District Court of Cleveland County. That said hearing shall take place in her courtroom located on the basement level of the Cleveland County Courthouse located at 200 South Peters Avenue in Norman, Oklahoma on the 2nd day of December, 2015, at 3:30 o’clock P.M. at which time you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why said Petition should not be granted. In witness thereof, I place my hand and seal of said Court this the 9th day of November, 2015. Jequita H. Napoli JEQUITA H. NAPOLI JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT

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