Invitation to Bid Bids will be received at the Woodward County Purchasing Agents Office until 11:00 A.M., Monday, February 8,2016, for the purchase of the following materials on a six Month Bid: CULVERT PIPE-POLY PROPYLENE PIPE STEEL CORE CABLE-BRIDGE LUMBER NEW STEEL (STRUCTURAL)- PILING USED STEEL(STRUCTURAL)- SIGN AND SIGN SUPPLIES STAY-IN-PLACE- GALVANIZED GUARD RAILS GALVANZIED STEEL BRIDGE PLANKS- NAILS- REBAR Bids will include delivery price to various locations throughout Woodward County For a Period of Six Months, beginning February 14,2016 to August 14,2016. The Board of County Commissioners of Woodward County will open the bids at 11:00am., Monday, February 8, 2016. They will reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Only bids submitted on forms available at the office of the Purchasing Agent in Woodward County Courthouse will be considered. All materials must be delivered within ten days regardless of Quality. /s/Wendy Dunlap Wendy Dunlap, Purchasing Agent Charolett Waggoner Charolett Waggoner, County Clerk