PO-3366 (Published in the Friday edition of The Duncan Banner, February 19, 2016-1 time) THE BOARD OF STEPHENS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS met in regular session February 8, 2016 with Lonnie Estes, Chairman; Dee Bowen, Vice-Chairman; David McCarley, Member; and Jenny Moore, County Clerk, present. Others present: List in County Clerks Office. Agenda filed 2-5-16 @ 8:45 A. M. and posted at the front entrance of the Courthouse and Commissioners meeting room. Chairman Estes called the meeting to order. Motion by McCarley, seconded by Bowen to approve minutes of previous meeting. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by Bowen, seconded by McCarley to approve payment of purchase orders, and issuance of blanket purchase orders. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. To avoid the appearance of related party transactions, Commissioner Estes abstained from approving purchase order 3706 (General Fund Account) due to sister owning Greenwood Computers. Motion by Bowen, seconded by McCarley to approve County Officer Monthly Reports for the Sheriff, Treasurer, County Clerk, Assessor, Court Clerk, Election Board, Official Depository, Sheriff Commissary, Health Department, and Fair & Expo Center. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by McCarley, seconded by Estes to approve the Allocation of Alcoholic Beverage Tax. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Duncan $11,936.35, Bray $615.90, Central $610.80, Comanche $847.17, Empire $486.50, Loco $62.15, Marlow $2374.94, Velma $315.84 Total $17,249.65. Motion by Bowen, seconded by McCarley to approve Cash Fund Estimate of Needs and Request for Appropriation. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Assessor Visual: CA-2, M&O, $.41; Assessor Revolving: CARF-2, M&O, $1,331.00; County Clerk Lien Fee: CC-1, Personal Services, $3,218.50; Civil Emergency Management: CD-1, Personal Services, $6,250.00, CD-2, M&O, $6,250.00; Sheriff Fee: CS-2, M&O, $27,783.19, CS-5, Courthouse Security, $2,149.40; Treasurers Mtg. Tax Fee: CT-2, M&O, $565.00; Fire Department/Nutrition: FDN-BRAY-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-CEN-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-COM-3, Capital Outlay, $5,195.87, FDN-COR-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-DOY-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-DUN-3, Capital Outlay, $5,195.87, FDN-EMP-2, M&O, $4,195.87, FDN-EMP-3, Capital Outlay, $1,000.00, FDN-LOCO-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-MAR-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-MER-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-OAK-2, M&O, $5,195.87, FDN-VEL-2, M&O, $2,597.93, FDN-VEL-3, Capital Outlay, $2,597.94, FDN-CNT-2, M&O, $983.58, FDN-DNNT-2, M&O, $2,152.13, FDN-DSNT-2, M&O, $584.27, FDN-MNT-2, M&O, $891.61, FDN-VNT-2, M&O, $584.27; Free Fair: FF-2, M&O, $14,185.79; Governmental Building Authority Fair: GBAF-2, M&O, $67,753.93; Governmental Building Authority Fair Operations: GBAF-OP-1, Personal Services, $45,000.00; Governmental Building Authority Jail: GBAJ-2, M&O, 249.95; Governmental Building Authority Jail Operations: GBAJ-OP-1, Personal Services, $135,092.29; Land Line 911: LDLF-1, Personal Services, $5,300.00, LDLF-2, M&O, 2,807.29, LDLF-2, M&O, $147.62; Law Library: LL, M&O, $1,633.80; Records Management Preservation: RMP-1, Personal Services, $5,025.00; Stephens County Drug Court: SCDC-1, Personal Services, $2,479.17; Sheriff Housing: SHC-1, Personal Services, $20,842.00; Sheriff Jail Commissary: SJC-1, Personal Services, $3,700.00, SJC-2, M&O, $11,342.10, SJC-4, Medical Supplies, $247.26; Wireless 911: WF-2, M&O, $6,741.56; Highway: CBRI D1, County Bridge & Road Improvements, $9,472.36, CBRI D2, County Bridge & Road Improvements, $9,472.36, CBRI D3, County Bridge & Road Improvements, $9,472.36, T-1A D2, Personal Services, $2,711.21, T-2A D2, M&O, $6,117.89, T-1A D3, Personal Services, $9,185.71, T-2A D3, M&O, $7,645.48, CBRI D1, County Bridge & Road Improvements, $8,299.52, CBRI D2, County Bridge & Road Improvements, $8,299.53, CBRI D3, County Bridge & Road Improvements, $8,299.53, T-2A D1, M&O, $17,866.67, T-2A D2, M&O, $17,866.67, T-2A D3, M&O, $17,866.66, T-2A D2, M&O, $979.20, T-1A, Personal Services, $245,000.00, T-2A, M&O, $332,995.86, T-2B, Lease Purchase, $4,000.00, T-3, Capital Outlay, $75,500.00. The Board acknowledged the appointment of Bernice Luken and David Tutt as receiving officers for the Marlow Nutrition Center; December Griffith and Gary Ball as receiving officers for the Special Insurance Account; December Griffith and Kaylee Kaiser as receiving officers for the Excise Board, Community Development Block Grant, Rural Economic Action Plan, and General Government E911; Sue Logdson and Kaylee Kaiser as receiving officers for the County Clerk Fund, Records Management and Preservation, Trapper, Stephens County Educational Facilities Authority, and Audit Expense; and acknowledged the appointment of December Griffith and Deanna Dyer as Requesting Officers for the County Clerk Fund, Clerk Lien Fee, and Records Management and Preservation Fund. Motion by Bowen, seconded by McCarley to reject bid #2016-23 for 1 New LED Display Double Sided Full Color Marquee Sign with Digitally Printed Graphics for the Fair and Expo Center. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by Bowen, seconded by Estes to approve Quotation and Contract #2016-4 between Stephens County and Hoidale Co., Inc., for a fuel management system on behalf of Stephens County District #3. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by McCarley, seconded by Bowen to approve Cooperative Agreement #2016-5 for the purpose of making conservation works of improvement to diminish erosion and siltation of right-of-way between Michael D. Kelly and Stephens County. The County will remove trees in fence row along back slope, repair ditches, and shoulder up the road as needed for ? mile in Section 8, Township 1 North, Range 5 West in District #1. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by Bowen, seconded by McCarley to approve Vicki Ussery as Insurance Coordinator and Deanna Dyer as Alternate Insurance Coordinator for Stephens County. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by McCarley, seconded by Estes to adopt Programming Resolution #2016-7: JP #29932(04) East Cow Creek OLD TRUSS NBI #29549 ENG.2017 for District #2. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by Estes, seconded by McCarley to approve an Interstate 40 Crosstown Steel Beam Transfer regarding surplus beams from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for District #2. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Motion by Estes, seconded by Bowen to approve an Off-System Bridge Inspection Invoice for Project No. STPY-NBIS(116)CB, JP 30260(07). Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. Max Gallaway, OSU Extension Director, informed the Board of the upcoming stock show stating that, as of now, the cattle numbers are down while the hog and sheep numbers are up. New Business: The Board discussed going out to bid again for the LED Marquee sign for the Fair & Expo Center. Commissioner McCarley shared that he will be at the Capitol on Wednesday to meet with Legislators and ACCO representatives to express the importance of keeping Stephens County tax money in Stephens County instead of it being diverted to other areas. Series 2015-2016 CASH HWY FUND M&O 000748 JAMES SUPPLIES LLC 569.22; 001294 JAMES SUPPLIES LLC 130.26; 001332 MIDWEST DRUG TESTS 310.00; 002706 HARRY BROWN SALES CORP 370.97; 002713 MODERN COMM SYSTEMS INC 44.00; 002752 STANDRIDGE OF DUNCAN 81.58; 003053 DISCOUNT AUTO SUPPLY 2931.28; 003055 HEAVY TRUCK & TRAILER PARTS 928.61; 003058 MIDWEST DRUG TESTS 50.00; 003065 DOLESE BROS CO 2187.58; 003260 SEAL MASTERS 1476.30; 003440 T & W TIRE CO 1308.84; 003457 DOLESE BROS CO 1790.36; 003650 T & W TIRE CO 911.00; 003651 PICTOMETRY 5196.50; 003652 PICTOMETRY 5196.50; 003653 PICTOMETRY 5196.50; 003700 ASAP ENERGY INC. 87.00; 003715 COMANCHE PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 497.62; 003756 CITY OF MARLOW 93.83; 003757 WASTE CONNECTIONS INC 60.00; 003758 WASTE CONNECTIONS INC 470.92; 003759 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 291.75; 003760 DUNCAN PUBLIC UTILITIES AUTHORITY 375.53; 003761 WASTE CONNECTIONS INC 470.92; Payroll 003781 Gross Payroll 83.87; 003782 Gross Payroll 452.13; CIV EMER MGMT LEPC 003681 DANS BAR-B-QUE PIT 540.00; Payroll 003776 Gross Payroll 532.61; FIRE DEPT/NUTRITION CAPITAL OUTLAY 003284 WELCH STATE BANK 5245.52; M&O 003278 DELBERTS DISCOUNT FOODS 283.39; 003279 SOUTHWEST FOODS 691.96; 003281 CABLE MEAT CO 336.58; 003282 WAGNER SUPPLY 207.33; 003283 MARLOW FOOD MARKET 224.13; 003694 NAVITAS LEASE OPERATIONS 159.81; 003793 WASTE CONNECTIONS INC 39.40; FREE FAIR M&O 003496 BENNETT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 43.50; 003504 AT&T 59.87; 003593 TRINITY TECHNOLOGIES LLC 910.00; 003701 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY 48.92; 003765 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 4497.39; GENERAL FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY 003656 PICTOMETRY 5196.50; E911 003743 AT&T 347.92; M&O 002837 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 93.50; 002839 STANDLEY SYSTEMS 711.65; 003421 J P COOKE CO 95.90; 003428 McNAIR TIRES & ALIGNMENT 24.00; 003689 WOOLSEYS OFFICE PRODUCTS 420.75; 003706 GREENWOOD COMPUTERS 10.90; 003721 STANDLEY SYSTEMS 358.79; 003754 DUNCAN PUBLIC UTILITIES AUTHORITY 112.74; 003755 DUNCAN PUBLIC UTILITIES AUTHORITY 41.69; 003766 SECRETARY OF STATE 25.00; Payroll 003775 Gross Payroll 182.85; 003778 Gross Payroll 752.00; 003779 Gross Payroll 166.55; PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 001792 URGENT MED 139.00; 003718 URGENT MED 139.00; TRAVEL 001376 TULSA HAMPTON CENTRAL 772.00; 002931 HAMPTON INN & SUITES TULSA/CENTRAL 356.00; 003740 GALLAWAY, MAX R 626.51; 003751 HOKIT, LORI A 121.18; 003752 BURDEN, MICHAEL S 137.38; 003753 WHATLEY, DOUGLAS WADE 144.32; GOV BLDG AUTH SALES TAX-FAIR M&O 003436 DUNCAN BANNER 61.35; 003799 BANCFIRST SERIES 2014 REV BONDS 55794.80; GOV BLDG AUTH SALES TAX-FAIR OPERATIONS Payroll 003777 Gross Payroll 1028.06; GOV BLDG AUTH SALES TAX-JAIL M&O 003710 LOCKE SUPPLY COMPANY 61.21; 003711 DUNCAN BUILDERS SUPPLY 55.98; GOV BLDG AUTH SALES TAX-JAIL-OPERATION M&O 001066 URGENT MED 105.00; 002969 STANDLEY SYSTEMS 214.00; 003085 SYSCO 11955.15; 003669 TOP NOTCH PEST CONTROL 170.00; 003682 WOOLSEYS OFFICE PRODUCTS 473.08; 003714 DUNCAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL 146.00; 003745 AT&T 347.92; HEALTH M&O 003113 DUMAS, WINSTON 1000.00; 003120 STANDLEY SYSTEMS 241.05; 003590 GLAXOSMITHKLINE 1388.90; 003591 SANOFI PASTEUR 111.65; 003763 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 578.40; TRAVEL 003762 DEAN, KRISTIN 79.30; 003764 DENNIS, TIFFANY 243.98; SHERIFF FEE TRAVEL 003708 WOODS, MELLISA I 20.55; SHERIFF GRANT FUND M&O 002972 VERIZON WIRELESS 76.02; SHERIFF HOUSING M&O 001804 URGENT MED 139.00; 003445 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE 609.64; 003692 O NEALS FOREIGN CAR SERVICE 151.80; Payroll 003780 Gross Payroll 1535.01; WIRELESS 911 FEE M&O 003800 STEPHENS CO SHERIFF HOUSING COMM. 11500.00; All items approved this date are on file in the County Clerks Office. Motion by Bowen, seconded by McCarley to adjourn meeting. Voting: Estes, aye; Bowen, aye; McCarley, aye. BOARD OF STEPHENS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /s/ Lonnie Estes, Chairman /s/ Dee Bowen, Vice Chairman /s/ David McCarley, Member Attest:/s/ Jenny Moore , County Clerk