(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma January 10, 2016) December 28, 2015 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Ryan Ball, Chairman, Kevin Whiteside and Darrell Yoder, Members, and Marilyn Fields for Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2014, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., December 23, 2015. Ryan Ball called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Ball led the Pledge of Allegiance. Sheriff Reed said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the minutes of December 21, 2015. Whiteside, yes; Ball, Yes; Yoder, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to table bids for asphalt and asphalt products. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to table bid for forensic services. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. NEW BUSINESS: Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve Emergency Disaster Proclamation for severe weather and flooding. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve a transfer of $5,000.00 from T-2A, M&O, D-2 to T-1A, Wages, D-2 and a transfer of $39.00 from T-2A, M&O, D-2 to T-2A, M&O, D-1. Ball, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve agreement between Mayes county Commissioners and The Gathering for the juvenile Graduated Sanctions Program. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve appropriation of $168,027.69 for T-County. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the cash account as follows: $387.50 to Assessors Revolving Fund; $14,234.35 to CBRI Fund; $814.00 to County Clerks Lien Fee; $63,393.24 to Court Fund Payroll; $42,168.69 County Jail Sales Tax Revolving Fund; $596.00 to Drug Court User Fees; $8,628.77 E-911 Funds; $86,252.06 Firefighters Revolving Fund; $2,096.06 to Law Library; $6,375.00 to MCDCT; $3,381.00 to MCSSP; $127,681.36 to Public Facility Authority; $3,040.00 to RMP Fund; $42,206.37 Sales Tax Revolving; $2,492.28 to Sheriffs Commissary; $8,672.00 to Sheriff Revolving; $40,135.28 to Sheriffs Service Fee; $640.00 to Treasurers Certification Fee; and $28.110.57 to Wireless E911. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve revised construction plans for EW 590-Old State Highway 33 Resurfacing Project, J/P 30102(04) in Mayes County. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve contract between US Cellular and the Sheriffs Department. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. There were no Utility Permit Requests The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2015-16 GEN-W/H: 1383, EGID, 28708.42; 1387, OPERS, 42730.05; 1390, RCB, 51001.04; 1391, RED CROWN, 100.00; 1392, VISION FINANCIAL, 453.89. GEN-SHERIFF: 1393, AGES, 55.97, SUPS; CO COMM: 1394, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 10.00, SERV; CO CLERK: 1395, PITNEY BOWES, 123.06, LEASE; VIS INSP: 1396, INDOFF, 278.03, SUPS; GEN: 1397-120.00, 1398-120.00, NE TECH, TRAINING; 1399, TULSA CO JUV BUREAU, 1100.00, SERV; 1400, BOB HURLEY FORD, 30055.00, VEHICLE; 1401, CENTURY 21, 7260.00, EARNEST MONEY; 1402, AT&T, 130.45, SERV; ELECT BD: 1403, A RIFKIN, 585.12, SUPS; HWY: 1404, PRYOR STONE, 2417.37, ROCK; 1405-2435.16, 1406-2525.88, TULSA ASPHALT, ASPHALT; 1407, PRYOR STONE, 852.55, ROCK; 1408, FENSCO, 4500.00, PIPE; 1409, DP SUP, 595.00, PIPE; 1410, B&J OIL, 2085.00, FUEL; 1411, C&R OIL, 1288.00, FUEL. T CO HWY: 1197, WINZER, 515.32, SUPS; 1198, PRYOR WASTE & RECYCLING, 300.00, SERV; 1199, RUDD, SCOTT, 1800.00, LABOR; 1200, TRIPP WELDING, 1800.00, LABOR; 1201, TDS TELECOM, 142.79, UTILITIES; 1202, PSO, 13.09, UTILITIES; 1203, YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY, 437.35, SERV; 1204, PREMIER SIGNS & DESIGN, 15.00, SERV; 1205, WIT, 251.93, PARTS; 1206, ONG, 203.80, UTILITIES; 1207, AT&T, 150.05, UTILITIES. MD: 109-37916.67, 110-37916.67, OSDH, WAGES; 111, HAYS, KAY, 293.70, TRAVEL; 112, SERVICEMASTER, 825.00, SERV; 113, SHERWIN WILLIAMS, 102.54, SUPS; 114, AT&T, 45.00, SERV; 115, PITNEY BOWES, 227.46, LEASE; 116, MUB, 726.96, UTILITIES; 117, AT&T, 42.42, SERV. SSFCA-W/H: 270, EGID, 535.42; 271, OPERS, 784.00; 273, RCB, 1305.46. SSFCA: 274, MUSKOGEE COMMUN, 2954.00, SERV; 275, SUBURBAN CHEVROLET, 899.15, SERV. SRCA: 24, JD YOUNG, 80.34, SERV. RES-W/H: 40, EGID, 38.14; 41, OPERS, 820.68; 43, RCB, 973.86. CAR: 4, CO RECORDS, 95.00, MAPS. SCA-W/H: 9, EGID, 598.82; 32.00; 11, OPERS, 705.81; 13, RCB, 778.38. CJSTR-W/H: 143, EGID, 5097.14; 146, OPERS, 6479.49; 148, RCB, 6788.42. LL-W/H: 15, OTC, 10.00; 16, RCB, 22.96. MCSSP-W/H: 45, EGID, 823.88; 47, OPERS, 580.00; 49, RCB, 614.30. E911-W/H: 133, EGID, 1104.20; 134, OPERS, 931.84; 136, RCB, 1315.42. E911: 137, NEO ELECT, 80.54, UTILITIES. SCS-W/H: 28, OPERS, 540.00; 30, RCB, 619.55. PFA: 66, MARMIC FIRE & SAFETY, 3486.98, SERV; 67, DIGI SURVEILANCE, 592.75, SERV; 68, OBER & LITTLEFIELD CPAS, 1850.00, SERV. FF: 379, PSO, 122.38, UTILITIES; 380-151.00, 381-338.00, NEO ELECT, UTILITIES; 382, MUSKOGEE COMMUN, 695.00, RADIO; 383, TESCORP, 120.00, TESTING; 384, J&W MECHANICAL, 2194.08, SERV; 385, OREILLY, 56.97, PARTS; 386, TECH RESQ, 185.00, PARTS; 387, PREMIER SIGNS & DESIGN, 414.00, SUPS; 388, BURROWS AGENCY, 11453.00, INS; 389-2734.00, 390-1612.00, CASCO, BUNKER GEAR/EQ; 391, JUST MOUNT, 103.84, SUPS; 392, ONG, 191.75, UTILITIES; 393, PSO, 177.13, SERV; 394, CHIEF FIRE AND SAFETY, 3099.00, SUPS; 395, OAK GROVE STUDIO, 635.00, SERV; 396, OA NATURAL GAS, 52.20, UTILITIES; 397, COMDATA, 500.00, FUEL; 398, PSO, 336.35, UTILITIES. CFP-W/H: 74, EGID, 2734.70; 75, OPERS, 2662.24; 77, RCB, 3332.43. WE911-W/H: 108, EGID, 603.06; 109, OPERS, 1038.60; 111, RCB, 1090.01. WE911: 112, ONG, 40.67, UTILITIES; 113, AT&T, 2150.65, UTILITIES; 114, OK COMMUN, 261.21, UTILITIES. CBRI 105: 26, KELLOGG ENGINEERING, 687.50, SERV. STR-W/H: 150, EGID, 1941.02; 151, OPERS, 3028.65; 153, RCB, 3657.92, STR: 154, APPLE SPECIALTIES, 425.66, PARTS; 155, BOB BARKER, 1373.49, SUPS; 156, MUB, 5155.13, UTILITIES; 157, PFG, 81.50, FEE. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve all other claims as submitted. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to Adjourn. Ball, Yes; Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes. Approved this January 4, 2016 (SEAL) BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/KEVIN WHITESIDE CHAIRMAN S/DARRELL YODER MEMBER S/RYAN BALL MEMBER ATTEST: S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.